BT |
your back turned to the opponent
FF |
face forward towards opponent
OB |
forces opponent's back to face you
OC |
forces opponent into crouch
OS |
forces opponent's side to face you
JG |
juggle starter
BN |
bounce juggle starter
RC |
recover crouching after a move
RCj |
joystick modifier, need to hold D during the move to RC
CH |
requires a counter hit
DS |
double over stun
tap f to escape in most cases, you can usually launch opponent
FS |
fall back stun
tap f to escape in most cases, you can usually launch opponent
MS |
minor stun
various animations, in most cases doesn't lead to guaranteed hits
KS |
kneel stun
opponent is forced onto one knee, usually does not act as a combo starter
CS |
crumple stun
opponent crumples to the ground in front of you right away, usually acts as a combo starter
CF |
crumple fall
opponent stay briefly upright before slumping to the ground, usually acts a combo starter
crumple fall stun
opponent is pushed away while crumping to the ground, can be a combo starter
BS |
block stun (to attacking character, ex. Law d/b+4)
SH |
stagger hit
GB |
guard break
opponent is immobalized briefly, the opponent usually has the offensive advantage
TT |
throw transition (results in throw on hit)
TC |
technically crouching state
crouch status during this move cruches high attacks
TJ |
technically jumping state
jump status during this move crushes low attacks
HA |
homing attack
move tracks both left and right
B! |
this move cause bound state
bound moves usually also cause floor destuction
F! |
this move cause floor destruction
mostly for throws that don't cause a bound state but break floors
# |
see corresponding footnote
[2] |
hit modifier (eg RC[2] property applies to 2nd hit)
b |
Block modifier (eg. OCb opponent crouch on block)
c |
CH modifier (eg. JGc is a juggle starter on counter hit)
co |
crouching opponent modifier (eg. KSco)
cco |
CH on crouching opponent modifier (eg. FScco)