Claudio (Tekken 7)

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Revision as of 08:35, 25 February 2021 by RogerDodger (talk | contribs)
Heat {{{heat}}}
Heat Smash {{{heatSmash}}}
Heat Engagers {{{heatEngagers}}}
Stances {{{stances}}}
Launch {{{launch}}}
CH launch {{{chLaunch}}}
Wall splat {{{splat}}}
Archetypal moves
Mid check {{{midCheck}}}
Generic moves
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Missing (none)
External links
Lore {{{lore}}}
Twitter #{{{twitter}}}

Claudio Serafino has the most infamous tech traps, using his hopkick (one of the best in the game) to capitalize on button heavy opponents. He excels at whiff punishment, counter hit, and having great moves for both situations. However, we cannot ignore his key game plan and gimmick. In his Starburst state (flowing blue aura in his hand), he turns into a devastating character and improves his combos and punishment game.