Uploads by Kulagin

This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
10:08, 22 January 2021 Iwr2History.png (file) 6 KB   1
12:34, 22 January 2021 Wr2Examples.mp4 (file) 3.7 MB Examples of executing wr2 appropriately and inappropriately. 3
13:29, 22 January 2021 Ff2InsteadOfWR2Example.mp4 (file) 3.49 MB Example of inputting ff2 instead of wr2. 1
13:54, 5 July 2021 Tekken7Hitboxes.mp4 (file) 743 KB   1
10:22, 1 October 2021 Tekken 7 Dragunov iwr2 frame.png (file) 472 KB   1
10:48, 1 October 2021 Tekken 7 Dragunov iwr2.mp4 (file) 1.56 MB Tekken_7_Dragunov_iwr2.mp4 2
11:16, 1 October 2021 Iwr2.mp4 (file) 397 KB   1
18:10, 23 December 2021 5-bars.png (file) 1 KB   1
18:20, 23 December 2021 4-bars.png (file) 1 KB   1
18:23, 23 December 2021 3-bars.png (file) 1 KB   1
18:26, 23 December 2021 2-bars.png (file) 1 KB   1
18:29, 23 December 2021 1-bars.png (file) 1 KB   1
07:08, 23 February 2024 RollbackSetting.png (file) 1.31 MB   1