Wavu:TZ Archive

From Wavu Wiki, the 🌊 wavy Tekken wiki
Revision as of 18:54, 4 January 2021 by Kulagin (talk | contribs)
1 left punch 2 right punch
3 left kick 4 right kick
5 tag button any any button but tag
f tap forward F hold forward
d tap down D hold down
b tap back B hold back
u tap up U hold up
d/f tap down forward D/F hold down forward
d/b tap down back D/B hold down back
u/f tap up forward U/F hold up forward
u/b tap up back U/B hold up back
qcf quarter circle forward qcb quarter circle back
hcf half circle forward hcb half circle back
FC full crouch animation WS while standing up
N joystick in neutral WR while running
SS side step either way SSL side step to left
SSR side step to right [ ] optional command
, followed by ~ immediately after
+ at the same time ( _ ) or
< delayed input = next in sequence
° push and hold button : requires just frame input
Grounded Positions
PLD play dead position face up & feet away
KND knockdown position face up & feet towards
SLD slide position face down & feet away
FCD face down position face down & feet towards
Move Properties
BT your back turned to the opponent
FF face forward towards opponent
OB forces opponent's back to face you
OC forces opponent into crouch
OS forces opponent's side to face you
JG juggle starter
BN bounce juggle starter
RC recover crouching after a move
RCj joystick modifier, need to hold D during the move to RC
CH requires a counter hit
DS double over stun
tap f to escape in most cases, you can usually launch opponent
FS fall back stun
tap f to escape in most cases, you can usually launch opponent
MS minor stun
various animations, in most cases doesn't lead to guaranteed hits
KS kneel stun
opponent is forced onto one knee, usually does not act as a combo starter
CS crumple stun
opponent crumples to the ground in front of you right away, usually acts as a combo starter
CF crumple fall
opponent stay briefly upright before slumping to the ground, usually acts a combo starter
CFS crumple fall stun
opponent is pushed away while crumping to the ground, can be a combo starter
BS block stun (to attacking character, ex. Law d/b+4)
SH stagger hit
GB guard break
opponent is immobalized briefly, the opponent usually has the offensive advantage
TT throw transition (results in throw on hit)
TC technically crouching state
crouch status during this move cruches high attacks
TJ technically jumping state
jump status during this move crushes low attacks
HA homing attack
move tracks both left and right
B! this move cause bound state
bound moves usually also cause floor destuction
F! this move cause floor destruction
mostly for throws that don't cause a bound state but break floors
# see corresponding footnote
[2] hit modifier (eg RC[2] property applies to 2nd hit)
b Block modifier (eg. OCb opponent crouch on block)
c CH modifier (eg. JGc is a juggle starter on counter hit)
co crouching opponent modifier (eg. KSco)
cco CH on crouching opponent modifier (eg. FScco)