Key tools
Counter hit launchers:
- 4
- i11 high,
- d+3+4
- i14 low,
- b+4
- i15 mid,
- d+2
- i18 mid,
- u/f+3
- i20 mid,
- f,f+1
- i23 mid, (+4) on block, KND on normal hit,
- WS 1+2
- i21 mid, long range, low profile, (-2) on block, (+5) on normal hit, can follow up with f+2 on CH for big damage
- d/b+3
- d/f+2
- d/b+4
- 2,1
Whiff Punishers
- f+2
- f+1+2
- WS 3
- b+3
- f,f+3
- f+4
- SS 2
Animation Cancels
Moves that can be cancelled with the corresponding input:
- 3~4 | d/b
- f+2 | d
- f+3 | b
- b+1 | d
- b+2,1+2 | d
- WS 1+2 | d