
From Wavu Wiki, the 🌊 wavy Tekken wiki

Throw are a type of attack that are usually highs which cannot be blocked, so they must be either ducked, sidestepped or tech'ed/broken/escaped.

Since the animations for all throws are unique for each character, some might allow for guaranteed follow-up, potentially even a stage break.

Generic throws

Generic Throws are available to all characters, with the inputs 1+3, 2+4, f+1+3, f+2+4 The throws without holding f are all 12 frames fast, the others are 15 frames fast, but reach farther. They are broken by pressing either 1 or 2, but not 1+2. They always deal 35 damage.

Note: After Armor King's Rage Drive all throws including generic are unbreakable

Side throws

Side throws are also available to every character and activate if any throw connects with opponent facing left, right, or backwards. Left and right throws are broken by holding forward and 1 for left hand throw, 2 for right hand throw, they deal 35 damage. Back throws are unbreakable, and they deal 50 damage

Command throws

Command throws or command grabs are throws with unique to each throw input. They require a specific input to break, 1, 2, or 1+2. They can vary between being 10-12 frames fast, and they have tighter break windows compared to generic throws.

Chain throws

Some characters are able to do extend their throws multiple times by inputting specific sequences during the animation of a previous throw.

Characters with chain throws:

  • King
  • Armor King
  • Nina
  • Anna
  • Marduk *technically

Chain throws are mixups beyond the initial grab, because each successive throw must be broken before its animation plays, and there is usually more than one option for the chain.

When inputting chain throws, the player only needs to input the correct series of commands once to continue the chain, meaning if you're fast enough you can attempt the input multiple times. Mashing 1+2+3+4 will result in a chain that is breakable by pressing 1, if there is a chain breakable by pressing 1

The break window between chain throws is shorter than the usual throw break window at ~8 frames.

Unbreakable throws

Some throws in the game are just unbreakable, and have special unique properties to them. Sometimes they have "!" effect on them to signify their unbreakability.

  • Asuka d/b+1+2 - +8 on connect, 0 damage. Produces different visual effect if opponent was blocking or not
  • Eddy Hand Stand 3+4 - i26 throw
  • Geese Rage Art - consumes Rage, and deals standard 55 damage or more. In combos acts like an attack throw
  • Kazumi
  • Nina qcb+1+4 - initially unbreakable, +6 on connect, but chains into breakable throws. 15 damage
  • Yoshimitsu Manji Dragonfly 3+4

Armor King's Rage Drive makes all throws following it unbreakable.

Also all mid-air throws and back throws are unbreakable

Mid throws

Some characters can throw crouching opponents by adding down input to the generic throw. Mid throws cannot throw standing opponents, they can be broken by pressing 1 or 2 depending on what the attacker used to input the mid throw

Ground throws

Some characters can punish players that stay on the ground by throwing them. They are inputed by adding down to the generic throw input, and they will only come out when the opponent is grounded, they may or may not lauch the opponent, and they depend on the way players are positioned.

Mid-air throws

Some throws will catch mid-air opponents and the animation will be different. Such throws can be used in combos. They cannot be broken

Attack throws

Attack throws are more of regular moves, that trigger special animation on connect. They can be blocked, and they cannot be broken. They can be used in combos. Rage Arts can be considered attack throws, they have more in common with regular moves than with throws, but Marduk Rage Drive is an attack throw that leads to a chain.

Throw escapes

While generic throws (1+3 and 2+4) can be escaped by pressing either 1 or 2, Command throws require specific 1, 2 or 1+2 inputs. It's usually possible to tell which button is needed to escape the throw by looking at which hand extends forward during the animation.

If they reach forward with their left hand, it can be escaped with 1
If they reach forward with their right hand, it can be escaped with 2
If they reach forward with both hands, it can be escaped with 1+2

There are some exceptions to this rule. King's CD 1+4 reaches out with both hands; however, it is broken with 1. This kind of discrepancy is exclusive to grappler type characters.

Most throws have a 20 frame escape window.

Buffering throws

Some command grabs can be buffered into during a recovery animation, they are sometimes called tick throws. Buffering helps hiding the animation of performing multiple directional inputs, and generally make the throws faster. This is done by doing the motion inputs of the command grab during the recovery animation of an attack and then pressing the necessary button afterwards.