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Revision as of 03:48, 14 August 2022 by Kalki (talk | contribs)
    "title": "Katarina post-HAR.4 ender oki (infinite stage)",
    "P1": "Kattacker",
    "P2": "Defenderina",
    "P1-strats": [ "HAR.df+3", "HAR.uf+3", "HAR.D" ],
    "P2-strats": [ "Techroll", "DB", "OTG.3_4", "OTG.3+4", "OTG" ],
    "comment": "Katarina post-HAR.4 ender [[Okizeme|oki]] in the mirror on an infinite stage",
    "payoffs": [
        [  20, -15,  42, -20,  16 ],
        [   0,  38,  76, -16,  34 ],
        [   0,   0,  72,  72,   0 ]

The JSON file used to generate the .gbt file for analyzing Katarina's post-HAR.4 ender oki. Rows represent attacker strats, and columns represent defender strats (in the order specified in "P1-strats" and "P2-strats"). Each cell represents the attacker's payoff (damage) for that combination of attacker and defender strat (for example, the value in the 3rd column of the second row is 76, indicating that the attacker hits for 76 dmg if they use HAR.uf+3 and the defender uses OTG.3_4). The layout of the payoff table in the JSON file corresponds exactly to how it will look laid out in the Gambit GUI.