Bryan (Tekken 7)

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Revision as of 08:53, 22 January 2021 by SewerSwans (talk | contribs)

Bryan is an extremely CH focused, timing based and intimidating character. His famous counter hits can lead directly into long wallcarry into one of the best wall games in Tekken, stealing the round right away. While virtually every move he uses has a counter hit property, he's no slouch at mixups or pressure either, and his range 2 neutral game is excellent.

He pays for this in standing punishment that's some of the most unimpressive in the game until his i14 launcher. He also has various demands in hit confirming, execution, and complexity. These include his Magic 4 combo, Taunt, DF1 confirms, and other things.

Additionally he lacks a conventional i13 DF1, but his i14 D2 can fill the role.