
From Wavu Wiki, the 🌊 wavy Tekken wiki
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NFG 1 R "Katarina FC mixup" { "Kattacker" "Defenderina" }

{ { "ws4" "ws3,3 hc" "ws2" "FC.df+3" "FC.df+4" }
{ "B" "DB" "SSR" "SSR~DB" "bb~DB" }
"Katarina FC mixup in the mirror after d+4 on hit"

{ "" -30, 30 }
{ "" 12, -12 }
{ "" 24, -24 }
{ "" 15, -15 }
{ "" 41, -41 }
{ "" 72, -72 }
{ "" -41, 41 }
{ "" -72, 72 }
{ "" -72, 72 }
{ "" -30, 30 }
{ "" 12, -12 }
{ "" 24, -24 }
{ "" -72, 72 }
{ "" 41, -41 }
{ "" 72, -72 }
{ "" -41, 41 }
{ "" -72, 72 }
{ "" 72, -72 }
{ "" -41, 41 }
{ "" -72, 72 }
{ "" 0, 0 }
{ "" 0, 0 }
{ "" 0, 0 }
{ "" 0, 0 }
{ "" 0, 0 }
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0 0 18 19 20 
<analysis type="list">
One equilibrium by solving a linear program in strategic game
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