Talk:Connection Bars

Discussion page of Connection Bars

The info for Tekken 8 was data mined from the game's code and data structs on patch 1.04.01.

The list of pings on this patch is at 0x7E8A110.

The main input lag object is at 0x941B120.

The pointer to input lag tables with all the input lags is InputLagObject + 0x28.

void SetInputLagIndexFromPing(InputLag* ThisPointer, int Ping) function: 0x57236B0, Signature: 45 33 C0 48 8D 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4C 8D

int GetInputLagInFrames(InputLag* ThisPointer, int SecondArgument) function: 0x5716070, Signature: 45 33 C0 48 8D 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4C 8D