
Template page

This template shows a dynamic cargo table for a given character. Primarily meant to be used on Character_movetable page. It has options for specifying which character and whether string extensions should be included or not. By default it will attempt to use the character of the page it is called on and will not include string extensions.




Both parameters are optional.

An override to specify which character to create the movetable for. By default, this uses MoveTable/doc to determine the character.
Pass yes into this parameter if you want string extensions to be included, anything else, including leaving the parameter out, will result in strings extensions be excluded based on the parent field of Move Cargo Table.


Move Startup Hit Level Damage On Block On Hit On CH States Notes
Asuka-1 i10 h 6 -2 +9
Asuka-1,1 ,i24 ,m ,15 -7 +4
  • Combo from 1st CH with 3f delay
  • Links to f+1 extensions
  • Interrupt with i4 from 1st block
Asuka-1,1,3 ,i21~22 ,m ,17 -5 +6 +14c
  • Combo from 2nd CH with 9f delay
  • Input can be delayed 10f
Asuka-1+2 i16 m 21 -9 +27a
Asuka-1,2 ,i22~23 ,m ,9 -8 +6
  • Combo from 1st hit
  • Combo from 1st CH with 3f delay
Asuka-1,2,3 ,i31~33 ,m ,24 -2 +29a (+20)
Balcony Break
  • Chip damage on block
  • Cancel to r18 with B
  • Interrupt with i15 from 2nd block
  • Last input can be held to power up
Asuka-1,2,3* ,i52~53 ,m ,26 +6 +28a (+19)
Balcony Break
  • Chip damage on block
  • Cancel to r15 with B
  • Interrupt with i36 from 2nd block
  • Transition to Ultimate Tackle throw with 1+2
  • Cannot block for 5 seconds
  • CH state for 5 seconds
Asuka-1+2+3+4,1+2 i16 ,m,t ,0,0 -6 +3
  • Throw break 1+2
  • Works on standing or crouching opponent
  • Tackle is reversed on the player on break
  • Opponent recovers FUFT on hit
Asuka-1,2,4 ,i18~19 ,m ,20 -12 +12s
  • Combo from 1st CH
  • Combo from 2nd CH with 1f delay
Asuka-1+3 i12~14 t 35 -2 +0d
Floor Break
  • Throw break 1 or 2
Asuka-1,3 ,i21 ,l ,10 -11 +0
  • Combo from 1st hit with 2f delay
  • Combo from 1st CH with 3f delay
Asuka-1+4 i14 i17 sl,h 5,8 -3 -3 +4
  • Jail from 1st attack
Asuka-1+4,2 ,i19 ,h ,10 -2 +9
  • Combo from 2nd CH
Asuka-1+4,2,4 ,i24 ,m ,26 -9 +4 +17a (+8)
  • Combo from 3rd CH
  • Balcony break on CH
Asuka-1+4,2,d+4 ,i24~25 ,L ,15 -23 +27d ,cs10~38
  • Combo from 3rd CH
Asuka-1+4,3 ,i31~33 ,m ,25 -2 +29a (+20)
Balcony Break
  • Chip on block
  • Cancel to r18 with B
  • Interrupt with i18 from 2nd block
  • Last input can be held to power up
  • Link to attack from Spinning Heel Drop (f+3)
Asuka-2 i12 h 9 -7 +2
Asuka-2,1 ,i18~19 ,h ,10 -6 +6
  • Jail from 1st attack with 1f delay
Asuka-2,1,2 ,i26~27 ,m ,16 -10 +16a (-1)
Balcony Break
  • Combo from 2nd CH with 1f delay
  • Interrupt with i8 from 2nd block
Asuka-2,1,d+1+2 ,i28~30 ,m ,23 -9 +3c +38a
  • Combo from 2nd CH with 1f delay
  • Cancel to r20 with B
  • Cancel to FC with D
  • Interrupt with i10 from 2nd block
Asuka-2+3 i16 m [12;12] +1 +2c pc7~16
Heat Burst
  • Cancel to r45 with b,b
  • 3 chip damage on block
  • 12 chip damage on hit
  • Only deals recoverable damage
  • Cannot cause a K.O.
Asuka-2,3 ,i22~23 ,m ,16 -17 +14g <div class="plainlist">
  • ,js18~41
  • fs42~44</div>
Balcony Break
  • Combo from 1st hit with 1f delay
  • Opponent recovers crouching on hit
Asuka-2+4 i12~14 t 35 -2 +0d
  • Throw break 1 or 2
  • Side switch on hit
  • Opponent recovers FDFA on hit
Asuka-3 i14 m 17 -7 +9
Asuka-3,1 ,i18~19 ,m ,17 -11 +8 +35a (+27)
  • Combo from 1st hit with 14f delay
  • Input can be delayed 14f
  • Move can be delayed 10f
  • Balcony break on CH
Asuka-3+4 i23~24 i6~8 m,M 10,21 -6 +25a <div class="plainlist">
  • js5~33
  • fs34~36</div>
  • Cancel to FC with D
  • r44 on grounded hit
Asuka-4 i11 h 18 -9 +7 +32a Balcony break on CH
Asuka-b+1 i29~30 L 17 -10 +6 +0d cs6~
  • Transition to attack throw on CH, +22 damage
  • Cancel to r14 FC with D
Asuka-b+1+3 25 ps5~12
  • Opponent recovers FUFT
  • Reverses high or mid attacks
Asuka-b+1+3* 25 ps5~54
  • Opponent recovers FUFT
  • Reverses high or mid attacks
Asuka-b+1+4 i12 i17~18 h,L 15,8 -8 +5 +7 Combo from 1st hit
Asuka-b+1+4,3 ,i32~33 ,L ,18 -13 -2 +16a Combo from 2nd CH
Asuka-b+1+4,4 ,i25~26 ,m ,23 -14 +5b
  • Combo from 2nd CH
  • Balcony break on airborne hit
Asuka-b+2 i15 m 12 -4c +1c
Asuka-b+2,1 ,i28 ,m ,14 -7 +4
  • Combo from 1st CH
  • Links to f+1 extensions
Asuka-b+2,1+2 ,i21 ,h ,7 -9 +2
  • Jail from 1st attack with 5f delay
  • Combo from 1st CH with 9f delay
  • Input can be delayed 12F
  • Cancel to r15 FC with D
Asuka-b+2,1+2,4 ,i23~24 ,m ,20 -13 +18a (+9)
Balcony Break
  • Combo from 1st CH
  • Combo from 2nd CH
Asuka-b+2+3 i24~25 m 23 -9 +6 ps4~15
  • Kick Sabaki, +59a on successful parry
  • Balcony break on airborne hit
Asuka-b+2,4 ,i33~35 ,L ,14 -11 +0 +3 cs15~
  • Links to db+4 extensions
  • Transition to r22 FC with D
Asuka-b+3 i16~17 m 15 -19 +22a (+12) <div class="plainlist">
  • js10~37
  • fs38~40</div>
Asuka-b+3,2 ,i17~18 ,M ,20 -20 +33a (+23)
  • Cancel to r11 with D
  • Gain NWG on hit with 1
  • Interrupt with i23 on 1st block
Asuka-b+3,4 ,i20~22 ,L ,14 -11 +0 +3 ,cs1~
  • Links to db+4 extensions
  • Transition to r22 FC with D
Asuka-b+4 i15~16 m 17 -7 +8 +56a
Asuka-b+4,2 ,i18~19 ,m ,12 -12 +4c
  • Input can be delayed 14f
Asuka-b+4,2,3 ,i20~23 ,M ,21 -16 +15a (-2)
Balcony Break
  • Combo from 2nd hit with 6f delay
  • Move can be delayed 3f
  • Gain NWG on hit with 1
Asuka-Back throw t 50 +7d
  • Unbreakable
  • Side switch on hit
  • Opponent recovers FDFA on hit
Asuka-(Back to wall).b,b,UB i39~41 m 21 +4c~+6c +22a <div class="plainlist">
  • fs5~13
  • js14~33
  • fs34~36</div>
Asuka-d+1+2 i20 L 20 -18 +11a cs10~39
Asuka-d+2 i18 m 18 -4c +9c
Heat Engager
Heat Dash +67a (+50), +5 on block
  • Gain NWG on Heat activation
Asuka-d+3+4 i14 i9~12 l,h 5,20 -8 +30a (+20) <div class="plainlist">
  • js5~42
  • fs43~45</div>
  • Combo from 1st CH
  • -25 if 1st hit is blocked
Asuka-db+1 i14 m 13 -10 +6 cs6~13
Asuka-db+1+2 i42 i3 m,m 10,20 +10g +25w +18a (+9) ps8~20
Balcony Break
Wall Crush +25g on block
  • Sabaki, parries lows except weapons
Asuka-db+1,2 ,i26~27 ,h ,20 -9 +22a (+13)
Heat Engager
Heat Dash +34a (+27), +5
Balcony Break
  • Combo from 1st hit with 8f delay
  • Gain NWG on Heat activation
Asuka-db+1,4 ,i28~29 ,m ,25 -15 +16a (+9) <div class="plainlist">
  • ,js29~46
  • fs47~49</div>
  • Combo from 1st hit
Asuka-db+2 i20~21 m 22 -11 +32a (+22) cs3~17
Asuka-db+3 i20 L 17 -12 +4c +14g
Asuka-db+4 i22~24 L 14 -11 +0 +3 cs6~41 Transition to r22 FC with D
Asuka-db+4,1+4 ,i22 i17 ,sl,h ,5,8 --3 +9
  • Jail from 2nd attack
  • Links to 1+4 string extensions
  • -19 if entire string is ducked
Asuka-db+4,3 ,i17 ,h ,21 -3 +39a (+29) Combo from 1st CH with 1f delay
Asuka-db+4,4 ,i31~33 ,L ,15 -7 +4 +35a cs1~49 Transition to r22 FC with D
Asuka-db+4,4,4 ,i31~33 ,L ,16 -7 +4 +35a cs1~49 Transition to r22 FC with D
Asuka-df+1 i13~14 m 10 -3 +8
Asuka-df+1,2 ,i22 ,h,t ,13,25 -3 +0d
Floor Break
  • Combo from 1st CH with 2f delay
  • Combo from 1st hit when off-axis to the left or right
  • Input can be delayed 7f
  • +18a on off-axis hit, +16a on BT hit
  • Transition to attack throw on standing front hit
  • Won't transition to throw if opponent is too far (Jack-8 range 3.3~), gives +13 on hit instead
Asuka-df+1,4 ,i23~24 ,m ,22 -12 +22a (+17) +59a
Balcony Break
  • Combo from 1st CH with 1f delay
  • Input can be delayed 7f
Asuka-df+2 i15~16 m 14 -6 +35a (+25) +5s on crouch hit
Asuka-df+2+3 i12 t 40 -6 -6d
Floor Break
  • Throw break 2
  • Opponent recovers off-axis FUFT on hit
  • Can side switch on hit
Asuka-df+3 i20~21 M 23 -8 +12a
Balcony Break
Asuka-df+3+4 i28~30 L 22 -26 +70a (+54) cs6~
  • Alternate input: 3~4
  • Cancel to r47? FC with DB
Asuka-df+4 i12 m 16 -9 +2
Asuka-DST.2 i19 m 20 -3 +8a
Heat Engager
Heat Dash +36a (+26), +5
Balcony Break
  • Gain NWG on Heat Activation
  • Chip damage on block
Asuka-DST.4 i19 l 19 -14 +11a
Asuka-f+1 i20 m 17 -7 +4
Asuka-f+1+2 i15~16 h 26 -9 +19a (+9) pc7~14
Heat Engager
Heat Dash +43a (+35), +5
Balcony Break
  • +0 on block after absorbing an attack
  • Chip damage on block after attack absorption
  • Gain Naniwa Gusto on Heat activation
Asuka-f+1+3 i19~20 t 0 +17
Asuka-f+1,3 ,i21~22 ,m ,17 -5 +6 +14c
  • Combo from 1st CH with 9f delay
  • Input can be delayed 10f
Asuka-f+1,4 ,i25~27 ,L ,26 -26 +24a ,cs6~
  • Combo from 1st CH
  • Input can be delayed 15f
  • Interrupt with i11 from 1st block
  • Cancel to FC -24 -13 r43? with DB
Asuka-f+2 i17~18 M 20 -18 +33a (+23)
  • Cancel to r11 FC with D
  • Gain NWG on hit with 1
  • hit advantage becomes +26a (+16) on NWG gain
Asuka-f+2+3 i23~24 h 21 +0 +25a ps4~15
Balcony Break
  • Sabaki, parries high or mid punches
  • +51a on a successful parry
Asuka-f+3 i31~i33 m 24 -2~+0 +29a (+20)
Balcony Break
  • Chip damage on block
  • Cancel to r33 with B
Asuka-f+3* i52~i53 m 26 +6~+7 +28a (+19)
Balcony Break
  • Chip damage on block
  • Cancel to r55? with B
Asuka-f+3** i70~71 m! 28 +28a (+19) +28a (+19)
Balcony Break
  • Cancel to r58? with B
Asuka-f+3+4 i29~30 M 27 -1 +18a (+9)
Balcony Break
  • Chip damage on block
  • Gain NWG on hit
  • -2a (-11) on hit after NWG gain
Asuka-f+4 i19~21 h 21 +3 +28a
  • Balcony break on CH
Asuka-FC.3+4 i21~22 i9~10 m,m 10,10 -6 +5c <div class="plainlist">
  • js5~19
  • fs20~22</div>
Transition to r22 FC with D
Asuka-FC.db+1+2 i11 t 15,15,15 -6 +56a (+28)
  • Throw break 1+2
  • Side switch on hit
  • 2nd damage on landing
  • 3rd damage without tech roll
Asuka-FC.df+2 i16~17 L 10 -11 +0 +25g cs1~
  • Only i17 or faster guaranteed on CH
Asuka-FC.df+3 i17 m 20 -9 +34a (+26)
Balcony Break
Asuka-f,F+1 i23 m 30 +5 +14c
  • Chip damage on block
Asuka-f,F+1+2 i19~20 M 20 -6 +29a (+14) +68a (+52)
  • Chip damage when on block
  • Grounded hit can be inconsistent sometimes
Asuka-f,F+2 i15~16 m 16 -9 +1
Asuka-f,F+2,1 ,i21~22 ,h ,21 -5 +45a (-13)
Balcony Break
  • Combo from 1st hit with 6f delay
  • Combo from 1st CH with 10f delay
  • Input can be delayed 12f
  • Move can be delayed 10f
Asuka-f,F+2,1+2 ,i25~26 ,m ,25 -13 +23a (+13)
Balcony Break
  • Combo from 1st hit
  • Combo from 1st CH with 6f delay
  • Input can be delayed 12f
  • Move can be delayed 10f
  • Gain Naniwa Gusto on hit, advantage becomes +0a (-10)
Asuka-f,F+2,3 ,i27~28 ,M ,22 -8 +15a
Balcony Break
  • Combo from 1st CH with 4f delay
  • Input can be delayed 12f
  • Move can be delayed 10f
Asuka-f,F+3 i20~21 m 23 -9 +11g +35a
Balcony Break
Asuka-f,F+4 i20~21 h 23 -3 +66a (+46) <div class="plainlist">
  • js6~21
  • fs22~24</div>
Strong Aerial Tailspin
Balcony Break
Asuka-f,f,F+1+2 i17~18 h 30 +4 +32a (+6) +67a (+51)
Balcony Break
  • Chip damage on block
Asuka-f,f,F+3 i24~28 m 32 +3~+7 +16a (+7) +48a (+1) <div class="plainlist">
  • js3~30
  • fs31~33</div>
Balcony Break
  • Chip damage on block
Asuka-H.2+3 i16 m,t 12,11,27 +10g -6 js5~
Heat Smash
Floor Break
  • 17 chip damage on block
  • Transition to attack throw on hit
  • +15a if only the last hit connects
  • +11d (-24) if only the last two hits connect
  • 2nd hit damage 11 > 18 if 1st hit whiffs
  • 3rd hit damage 27 > 30 if 1st hit whiffs
  • Hit level becomes m,m,m on block/whiff
Asuka-hFC.1 i10 sl 5 -5 +6 cs1~
  • Transition to Standing with f



  • Account for characters with space characters in name automatically
  • Incorporate Tooltip headers, either using built in functionality of Dynamic Tables or using helper template.
  • Create helper template to remove excess characters from fields such as the leading character name under move and leading ",".
  • Implement a natural sort to account for strings.