Ganryu strategy

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Key moves

Move Poke Counter Mixup Keepout Approach Oki
Gannys jab is a bit different being i12 and +3 ob, but it is also +11 on ch which lets you follow up with a guaranteed b1+2.
Same frames ob as a generic 12, but also has a followup that on ch is +10.
+1 Jab that leads into strings with either a jailing high follow up or a low follow up that is a ch launcher
Jailing jab string that has a heavily delayable mid extension and a stance transition.
Relatively fast high kick that you can confirm into a knd
Mid that hits grounded and ch launches, also has a follow up thats a NH launcher and is +17g into stance on hit
Really long range mid for it's speed that also tracks ssl and is a ch knd. At the wall it gives b21 ws4 wall combo.
Gannys fastest mid also has extension mind games so the frame data doesn't matter
Tracks left

Tracks both
  • d+4
Tracks right

Core moves

1 (2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Ganryu's unorthodox but powerful jab is one of the defining features of the character. Ganryu, along with Jack, are the two characters in the game that lack an i10 jab. Instead, Ganryu's is i12 and +3 on block. These two facts alone forces you to reevaluate a lot of his toolset. He cannot jab his way out of pressure as easily as most of the cast, and +1 oB situations become more similar to how a -1 situation would work for most of the cast (your jabs will lose to other jabs but beat other moves without high crush.)

On the other hand, it also means he has a very reliable way to set up +3 oB situations. For example, this means he can do jab - df1 and the sequence will trade with jabs with Ganryu coming out ahead on damage, and 1 - 1 works the same way as it would with other characters, in that the sequence will beat other jabs. On hit the jab is +9, and on CH it's a whooping +11, allowing you to link into b1+2 if you're good at confirming this (easiest done if you do the jab as keepout.)

Other than that, his jab has a 1,2 string that naturally combos and is -1 on block, and you can repeat this string to make the opponent second-guess their turn or push them backwards; be aware that the frame data gets really shitty after the second rep of jabs, with the last sequence being cleanly launch punishable on block and really bad on hit.

df1 (4,1) - Another slightly unorthodox but very powerful move, Ganryu's df1 starts up in 13 frames and is -5 on block. That, in itself, sounds pretty underwhelming, until you start thinking about the extensions. Df1,4 is a mid that naturally combos but is -13 on block and -2 on hit, while df1,4,1 is +8 on hit but a duckable high and is a NCC if the second hit CHs.

This still doesn't sound too hot, until you realize that both of the extensions are ridiculously' delayable. This means Ganryu can use this string to make his opponent really second-guess whether or not they can push buttons or move after the first or second hit, making it a very powerful tool for checking and conditioning your opponent to not push buttons; this allows you to go for mid-low-mixups once the opponenant is pre-occupied thinking about the string.

So while punishable on paper, it's really hard to do in an actual match. Df1 also tracks to Ganryu's left fairly well, but is easily steppable to his right. It also has an obscenely good vertical hitbox capable of both consistently anti-airing Akuma, or hitting siderollers and a lot of evasive stances on the ground, making Ganryu a surprisingly good character at dealing with a lot of the more infuriating gimmick characters.

df3 - This move is why Ganryu is such a scary rushdown character. Df3 is an i16 -i12 oB low, with good tracking, does decent damage, is +5 on hit, and forces crouch. I probably don't have to tell you that those numbers are ABSOLUTELY INSANE. If this hits, Ganryu can pretty much do whatever he wants afterwards and the risk-reward will be solidly in his favor.

The move has fairly short range as its only weakness, but this gets mitigated at the wall where you can spam this all day. Few characters get more than a ws4 as punish against this, but it's worth going for even against those characters because the reward is so good in terms of both damage and frames. Ridiculously powerful low.

df2 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - An i16 df2 that launches crouchers and is -11 on block. This in itself would make it a solid, if unremarkable, move. What sets the move apart is the string afterwards; the string is similar to his jab string in that it's great at making people second guess their punish, and it still grants a full combo as long as you do at least three or more hits (the second jab whiffs on hit, but all the others are guaranteed.)

The only truly guaranteed punish for 90% of the cast is a low jab, making the risk reward for this move absolutely bonkers. It also tracks very well to Ganryu's right, and, curiously, decently to his left, making it a powerful callout if someone tries to step at range 0. As a launcher it's useful as a close range whiff punisher. The fact that it launches crouch also makes it a basic mixup tool, and it will beat anything that isn't a low jab after a df3 on hit. Use and abuse this move as much as you can.

d1+2 - The bully shove. This is an i16 mid with solid range that leaves Ganryu in your face at +1 on both block and hit. This does mean your jabs will still lose to other jabs, but you have headbutt or sidstep to beat jabs, so the situation is still definitely in Ganryu's control. The move is also scary to challenge since you get a three-way hold mixup on CH where your opponent has to guess between a 1, 2, or 1+2 throw break, or eat another 30-40 damage and some really nasty oki. Once people start freezing up you can do this repeatedly. Again, a real bully-move, and an important part of Ganryu's offense and approach.

2,1 (2 / 3+4) - Another jailing i12 high,high-string with solid frames. Unlike the regular jab, this isn't as good on block, but the string has very powerful options afterwards. The canned 2,1,2 is a normal hit mid launcher that's delayable, and is only -13 with forced crouch on block, so most characters can't punish it that hard either. The launcher is also guaranteed if the second hit CHs or against backturned opponents. Extremely annoying and abusable string, and also doubles as Ganryu's i12 punisher.

b1+2 - Ganryu's only i10 move outside of low jab. The move has several drawbacks in that it has short range, is unsafe on block (-13), linear and a high, but it knocks down and wallsplats on normal hit and gives a guaranteed f3+4 on CH for 43 damage. It's also guaranteed after CH jab or if an UF1 hits a croucher. As mentioned when talking about the jab, Ganryu's +1 situations aren't as advantageous for him as other characters due to his lack of a safe i10 jab, but this move is a rewarding callout if the opponent is pushing buttons at a bad time.

f,f+1+2 - Ganryu's not really great at whiff punishment, but this move mostly does a good job at covering that weakness. It's a fast, safe high launcher with good range if you hold the second F. With the fastest possible input you can get this in 13f, making him one of the very few characters that can launch before i14, but this is comparable to doing a PEWGF launch so you're probably not going to hit that ever. It is somewhat useful as a pushback punisher and an i14-15 launch if your execution is on point, however, and the fact that it's safe means you can just throw it out sometimes.

f+1+2 - The other good long range whiffpunisher. Massive range i14 high that does 30 damage and knocks down. Wallsplats too. It's -12 on block, but the pushback makes it difficult to punish in the open, though obviously it's duckable. Use this for simple, long range standing whiffs.

f+2 - Long range i14 mid with solid tracking to Ganryu's right and goes under highs. -12 on block, but has decent pushback and is hard to punish because of that. Knocks down on CH with a backwards crumple, leaving you free to go in and bully the opponent, or even get some more guaranteed damage by the wall. Not a flashy move, but definitely good.

df1+2 (1) - The backbone of Ganryu's extremely strong wall game, along with df3. Df1+2 is a safe, mid-mid string that has a naturally comboing third hit in df1+2,1. This third hit is launch punishable on block, but it is easily hit confirmable with a bit of practice, and wallsplats on hit. If mixed up with Ganryu's powerful lows (most notably df3, which you can't backdash away from, but also several others), Ganryu can REALLY screw people up at the wall for not a lot of risk. People will also be scared to push buttons after df1+2 even though it's -7 on block, out of fear for the third hit. The move is slightly slow at i20 and is quite linear, so it's best set up after a knockdown, but if you get rolling with this you can really ruin people's day.

d4 - Long range low that's -1 on hit, -14 on block and launches on CH. Also tracks decently to Ganryu's left, but steppable to his right. Not the absolute powerhouse that df3 is, but its long range and solid damage makes it a strong check against people who want to backdash, which sometimes also nets you a full combo.

b2,1 (2 / d2 / 3+4) - Safe, foward-moving NC mid mid-string, that has a relatively rewarding a canned mixup built in, has decent tracking and also leaves you in crouch for FC mixups, or can go into TCH. The main thing preventing this move from being hilariously stupid is the gap between the two hits, making the second hit susceptible to parries if the first hit is blocked. This isn't terribly hard to do on reaction, but the second hit is quite delayable if you want to bait parries, so there's definitely a mind game there. Against characters without a parry, it becomes an entirely different story, and the move becomes super annoying with almost no caveats.

FC df2 - Rounding out the core moves-section, a notable fact about Ganryu is that he's blessed with an i14 launcher from crouch, and one with solid range at that. It screws on hit rather than being a "regular" launcher, but it still grants him solid damage and wallcarry earlier than most other characters. Useful against -14 lows, whiffed highs, and surprisingly useful in the mid range because of its range. It's also only -12 on block, so you'll never get launched if it's blocked (even though an i12 punish is not desirable against most characters). The plethora of other good FC options Ganryu has only makes this move even more powerful.


Relatively useful mixup stance with several solid options. The stance itself goes under highs, so jabbing against it is a poor option. Can be entered in multiple ways if the opponent is respecting you, or if you've gotten a punish of some sort and have huge frame advantage. However, do note that if the move you ender the stance in is blocked, every move in the stance can be dealt with by SSR duck. It's easier to take these in one chunk than as individual moves since the stance isn't that useful outside of forcing mixups or as combo fodder, so here we go:

TCH 4,1: Non-jailing mid, high-string. Your go-to mid option

TCH 3: low stomp that does big damage, is +9 (!!!) on hit and relatively safe on block at -12. Problem is, the range is abysmal, so it's very easy to just backdash away from this option unless you entered TCH through something like 2,1,3+4 on hit. If you can enter the stance with big enough advantage, this low is incredible. But oterwise, be very careful with this.

TCH 1+2: -12 mid power crush that, on regular hit, gives you the same hold-mixup as CH ff2 (1+2 launches for massive damage in other words). Blows up people that disrespect the stance.

TCH b1+2: low sliding headbutt that knocks down and does decent damage. Unsafe, but not low parryable since it's a headbutt, and the opponent has to hit you grounded and won't get a float. Really awkward to punish. Also has MASSIVE range, so throwing it out from far range against people who aren't prepared for it is not a bad idea considering how hard it is to punish.

TCH f1+2: The mid counterpart to TCH b1+2. Can be floated on interrupt, but has the same grounded recovery and is really awkward to punish. The move is also named DOSUKOI CANNON and is therefore officially the coolest move in the stance.

TCH df1+2: a command low parry from the stance, as a hard callout against people who try to check you with low pokes, which otherwise covers most options if you try to sneak into the stance after a blocked string. You get a guaranteed df2 launch if you hit the low parry, but obviously you're wide open if it whiffs. Used for hard reads, but well worth it if you get it.

TCH db1+2: surprisingly useful unblockable. The startup is relatively fast, and dodges most highs. It also wallsplats from a mile away, and can be used in certain tech catch setups. It's quite linear and can obviously be stuffed, but its speed, range and potential for use in tech catches makes it one of the better unblockables in the game, and something you can actually hit people with in a real match. It can also be canceled if people aren't teching, so it's less commital than it seems.

Situational moves

FC d1(1,1) - Ganryu has a good FC-game, as mentioned. This is part of the reason why. This is a somewhat slow low, but it's plus on hit and only -7 on block. It also has a followup to dissuade pressing buttons even on block, so the only real option is to crush or low parry the first hit. Doesn't do much damage, but is really annoying.

ws1,(2) - i13 mid from crouch that's -3 on block, plus on hit, and has a canned follow-up (that's a natural combo). The followup is a mid that can go into TCH, which makes jab punishes whiff. ws1,2 also doubles as a very powerful i13 ws punisher for a nice 35 damage and solid plus frames.

ws4 - It's... well, a normal i11 ws4 that does 20 damage. On hit you can do f2 afterwards to stuff pretty much everything, on block it has pushback and can be used as a whiff trap if you backdash afterwards. You know, the usual ws4 stuff. Nothing very special aside from the top notch damage, but useful, definitely.

b,db,d,df+2 - Safe, mid wallbounces are always good. This one used to do an outrageous 45 damage, which has since gotten nerfed to 35, and that's still very high obviously. The move is somewhat slow and has poor tracking, but if you land this near the wall you probably just win the round outright. And considering how good Ganryu's lows are, opponents will be tempted to duck close to the wall from time to time.

b,f+1 - One of Ganryu's panic moves. Slow, but interesting backswing blow. On hit, this is +9 and turns the opponent, guaranteeing df1,4 on hit. If you want more damage, you can do 2,1,2 for a full backturn launch; this can be ducked, but that leaves the opponent open to getting launched by df2, so it's a quite ugly 50-50 they have to eat. The move is -14 on block, so you'll eat some damage if it gets blocked, though it has to be said that it's fairly ridiculous that it's not -15 considering the rewards the move can provide.

f,f+2 - I described this move once as "shitty demon paw that sometimes does over 90 damage on CH", which is accurate. It's a safe, relatively fast, fairly long range mid that's good for checking people and making sure they're not trying anything cheeky. On CH you get a hold-mixup, but a stronger one than d1+2 since now your 1+2-option launches for a massive, 90+ damage combo. Obviously everyone's gonna mash 1+2 every single time here, giving you guaranteed 1 and 2 breaks every time. It's sort of awkward to use since the range isn't THAT amazing, but it's definitely a good move.

uf+2,(1+2 / 3+4) - Similar to Bryan's homing move, this is a safe homing mid with another mid extension that launches on CH. The string is guaranteed on regular hit, and gives good oki afterwards, as well as guaranteed followups by the wall. It's a bit slow and the second hit is -14 on block, so be careful with this against characters that can launch it. New to s4 is that the first hit can go into TCH for mixups on hit, and additional annoyance on block, which is always useful.

SS1 - Another "Bryan has this"-move. Safe, high launcher out of sidestep. Not much more to say, since being a safe, high launcher out of sidestep is quite useful, even though this move has nowhere the range of Bryan's equivalent. Throw it out every once in a while, just don't actually get predictable with it or have it whiff.

f+2~1 - Fast, plus-on-block high. Very good for pressure. Is also +12 on CH, giving you a guaranteed 2,1 or b1+2. Doesn't track well and is high, but makes for a good pressure extender, particularly at the wall.

f,f+3 - Slow stomp. Has good range and hits grounded, knocks down on hit for guaranteed followups, is +5 on forces crouch on block, and launches on CH (?). Tends to track siderolls due to the f,f input, so this covers most options after the crumple stuns from uf2,1+2 or CH f2 and gives pressure afterwards. It's slow and doesn't track well in the open, but definitely useful on oki, particularly in certain setups, or as a pressure extender against an opponent that freezes up.

f,f,f+1+2 - Ganryu's main running approach move. Really steppable and slightly slow, but +9 on block and gives HUGE advantage on hit (though no guaranteed damage). Good for approaches if the opponent won't step.

d1 - Slow, short ranged CH launcher that hits grounded. Is also +3 on block and forces crouch. A bit finnicky to set up compared to most other of Ganryu's +oB moves, but still really solid if you get there.

uf1 - Jumping palm, similar to Jack uf1. Goes over lows, hits mid, and is safe on block. If it hits a crouching / low stanced opponent you're +11, so you get a free headbutt here. Not the fastest move, can be floated and is less rewarding than a hopkick, but still a useful low crush. Especially useful if you read a low get up kick at the wall since you get the wall splat from the headbutt.

f3+4 - Long range mid powercrush. -13 on block, will occasionally go under jabs. Combos from stuff like CH headbutt. Not really that much to say, except the range makes it one of the better power crushes in the game.

b,f+2+3 - Aptly named "Salt Upper". +5 oB mid launcher that gives fairly obscene damage on hit. The move is REALLY slow and the range is shorter than you'd think, however, so while the move has its place, it's not something you can just throw out.

df4,1,(2) - i15 NC mid-high string that jails and is safe on block (-8). Is -2 on hit unfortunately, but the third hit dissuades retaliation, particularly at the wall as it wallsplats (-14 on block). Can be used to mix up Ganryu's other strings, and the first hit is a knee, making it useful against parry-happy opponents. The first hit alone is completely worthless, however, being -17 ON HIT. Always go for at least the second hit.

1+2, (1+2/3+4) - Ground-hitting, unsafe mid CH launcher with several followups. The second hit is an unsafe, natural hit launcher that discourages people from punishing the first hit, while 3+4 transitions to TCH. You can actually get a full combo even from the TCH transition by doing TCH 4,1 or TCH 1 instantly. The ground hitting property is really useful and the move is occasionally rewarding, but there are risks associated with the move.

b1,(1,1,3+4) - Safe, high homing move with a really annoying string attached. The second hit is also high, to discourage retaliation after the first hit (and also combos naturally), while the third hit is a +3 on block mid that can also transition to SIT-stance. You can step / parry the third hit relatively easily, but against people that don't know the MU, this string gets really stupid really fast.

b1+3 - Side-switching punch parry. You can press 1+2 afterwards and push them into the wall for a backturned wall combo, or push people around midscreen for a guaranteed f3+4 afterwards. Can definitely steal rounds.

f,f+1+4 / f,f+2+3 - Command throws! Both are broken with 1+2, but both are useful in their own way. 1+4 leaves them standing with you at +5 in their face, 2+3 knocks down and floor breaks.

Gimmicky shit

d2,(2,2,2,2, ... / d2,1,2) - Long range low with so much pushback on block that it's pratically safe, while having follow-ups that discourage people from pressing afterwards. The problem is low parries; not only is the follow-ups low-parryable on reaction, the very first hit is so slow that it can be parried on reaction if people are looking for it. The mid followups are safe, however. Very gimmicky, but can be used to catch people off-guard.

b+4,1 - Safe, i15 mid mid string that combos on CH. B4 by itself is a useful keepout move and long range poke, while the second hit keeps people from trying to push buttons afterwards, though it can be interrupted by i12 moves, making it mostly a gimmick.

FC d1+2 - Table flip. Launch punishable knockdown powerlow, good for mixing up with Ganryu's crouching mids. At the wall you get another flip as a free followup. Makes people want to crouch against Ganryu when he's crouching, which is quite dangerous with his set of launchers from crouch. It's reactable, which is why it's in the "gimmick"-section, but it also has pretty silly pushback, so it's not uncommon for WS launchers to whiff after blocking this.

df2+3 - This one is essentially a better version of s1 Leo's df2+3: -15 oB knockdown low that high crushes, and gives guaranteed followups on hit if your execution is on point (easier to do at the wall). However, like FC d1+2, it is reactable, and you risk getting launched if someone blocks this, hence it being in the gimmick section.

b,db,d,df+1 - Slow, massively damaging launcher that goes under a lot of moves on start-up, but is -18 on block. It's worth mentioning because of evasive properties and damage potential, but you should be really careful with this because you can get killed for using this.

db2 - Sneeeeek

SIT-stance - Gonna go over this in much less detail than TCH. Essentially, the moves from the stance aren't an actual mixup because you can fuzzyguard SIT1 / SIT2 (though this is harder to do than older games). SIT 3+4 is somewhat useful for similar reason that TCH b1+2 is useful, and SIT 1+2 is occasionally useful in weird oki-setups or as a wall ender after uf3+4. Otherwise, the stance isn't very useful. Entering the stance from face up feet towards knockdowns can be useful, however, but it's still very gimmicky.

Rage drive (df1+4) - Massively damaging low that's unfortunately reasonably reactable, made easier if the opponent is just looking for the blue flash. If the opponent doesn't know the matchup, you're looking at a 60+ damage low because it gives you a free DOSUKOI CANNON (though this is punishable by get up kick by the wall, forcing you to use TCH 3 as the followup there). The move is -6 on block and forces you into TCH, making i13 punishes guaranteed. For anything slower, TCH 1+2 will win. More a knowledge test than anything, and a fairly telegraphed one, albeit quite rewarding if the opponent doesn't deal with it properly.