Dragunov strategy (Tekken 7)

From Wavu Wiki, the 🌊 wavy Tekken wiki

Game Plan

Dragonuv' game plan is centered around pressuring with his good jabs, WR2, and d+2. These moves, complimented by a good arsenal of mids, a full throw game, and good movement, allow Dragonuv to whittle his opponent's life bar down with pokes while posturing to capitalize on any mistakes a frustrated opponent may make. Although he excels up close, Dragonuv can comfortably play the mid-range thanks to his long limbs and good movement.

1 jab and jab strings
A lengthy jab, key to initiating and maintaining pressure up close. "What is ONE JAB and why is it important in Tekken 7?" by JDCR.
1,1,3 - The first two hits can be used as a checking tool to see if your opponent likes to mash after 1 jab. The last hit is a safe on-block mid that wallsplats. If the second counter hits, then the last hit is a natural combo. Be careful as the string is non-jailing, so the opponent is able to duck and punish the second hit if the first hit is blocked.
1,2,1 - Dragonuv's fastest counter hit option. The full string only combos if the first or second hit counter hits, and leads to a knockdown or wallsplat. A risky option to mash out of your opponents pressure, or to check if they're mashing on yours, as it is -14 on block.
Massively plus, knocks down on hit for a guaranteed stomp, launches on counter hit, and breaks the floor - what's not to love? This move is easily one of Dragnouv's best tools as it gets his offense going while also moving you and your opponent towards the wall. Doing this up close and quickly with instant while running (iWR) is a critical part of Dragonuv's pressure, but beginners shouldn't prioritize learning iWR techniques over fundamentals.
d+2 "Finna Down 2"
Dragonuv's go-to low. It's fast, high-crushing, tracks both directions extremely well, and gives massive plus frames on counter hit. On normal hit it's neutral but leaves Dragonuv in crouch, making his WS4 a good option to check your opponent afterwards. Utilize crouch cancel to continue your offense with non-while standing moves or even another d+2. The trick is to use this move as much as possible to annoy your opponent without becoming too predictable.

Playing To His Strengths

(to be filled out)

Key moves

A standard mid check that tracks slightly to the left. Has a high extension in d/f+1,4 that is non-jailing and only combos on counter hit, but it does knockdown or wallsplat. Use the extension at your own risk as good opponents can duck and punish the second hit if they're sharp.
Maybe one of his best mid pokes, use instant while standing (iWS) and his roll dash to best take advantage of this move. It gives similar frame advantage as his d/f+1 but deals more damage and has significantly more range and tracking.
Faster than usual mid check (i12) with big range and pushback. Mostly used as a keepout tool since it's -9 on block, bud it's great a setting up whiff punishing scenarios due to the pushback.
d/b+2 String
d/b+2 - Another mid poke, but this time it tracks slightly to the right! Slightly slower than d/f+1 at i14
d/b+2,1,2 - the second and third hits are also mids that can be delayed to create stagger pressure. Create mental frame advantage by using your opponent's fear of the last hit to continue your pressure. The last hit of the string is a launcher, but also very punishable at -14.
Another mid that is massively plus on block and knocks down on hit for a guaranteed stomp. This move has very poor tracking so it's best used when your opponent has nowhere to go or is already afraid of moving.
Yet another mid poke. This move leaves Dragonuv in crouch, allowing him to use moves like WS4 or FC4 afterwards.
b+4 series
b+4,3 - safe mid, high string that leads to a knockdown or wallsplat. Be careful as it does not jail so the opponent can duck and punish the second hit.
b+4,2,1 - a safe mid, mid, high string to compliment b+4,3. When the second hit connects it leaves the opponent in crouch and leaves you at +4. The third hit is a high that is plus on block and if it counter hits leads to a guaranteed 4,1. Again, the last hit does not jail so your opponent can duck and punish.
Dragonuv's main low crushing move. It is a slower, but safe (-9 on block), mid that leads to a mini-combo, or can pick up for a full combo in the case that the wall is to Dragonuv's right.

Covering His Weaknesses

(to be filled out. Something about poor tracking and lack of big counter hit moves)

Tracks left
  • d/f+1
Tracks both
  • d+2
  • WS4

d/b+4 or FC4

Tracks right
  • d/b+2
  • b+2
  • WR+2

Move Functionality Chart

Move Poke Counter Mixup Keepout Approach Oki