Miguel tech

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Revision as of 07:05, 15 June 2023 by Kloomz (talk | contribs)

Tech broadly covers anything that doesn't fit elsewhere, such as:

  • Notable tricks or niche uses for a string/move
  • Execution tips for a particular technique

If a section gets too long, it might be sensible to move it to its own page.

Tricks 'n' Stuff

Beary Interesting

One of the most laughable things about Miguel is that if you launch a bear character, you can use db+2 at least 5 times over and over again. CH SAV db+3 also becomes a combo when playing against bears.

Yikes... that hurt

SAV db+3 is a wonderful low, but it can offer you 67 points of damage if you land a counter hit.


Despite u/b+1 being one of the most borderline useless moves from Miguel's toolkit, it does have some redeeming qualities, such as being able to transition into SAV and having a low extension that many players will not see coming.

Tech Trap

If you hit an opponent with b+3 from the back, they will be left in a FUFA position. If they simply wake up, you can launch them with SAV d/f+2. The same situation applies with SAV 4, albeit you must hit them with it from the front.

At the wall, you can trick opponents into waking up by doing the standard max wall combo (1 df+1~f SAV 2) but instead of doing SAV 2, you can do SAV 1+2. If the opponent is waking up when this hits, they will be launched. This case scenario may occur rarely though.

When waking up from FDFA position, Miguel's f+2+3 or f,F+2 will connect so stay on the ground if you sense these moves coming.

Snake Edge Combo

Whilst Miguel's snake edge (SAV d/b+4) may offer a mini-combo when hit from the front, you can get a full combo off axis or from the opponent's back by using 3, 4 S!