Katarina (Tekken 7) |
- Remember to use a lot less moves due to parry. It's almost impossible to punish it on reaction, don't even put energy on it. Use a lot more moves which even after parry are safe. d/f+1, d+4 are best friends here. 4 is also good
- be ready to use d4 and df1 after Jin does f4 stance ob. Be careful to react to stance. Otherwise our df 1 will whiff and can be punished by electric or rage art.
- Avoid using of df3+4, is seeable and launch punishable. Ditto for FC 3.
- Use fcdf4 to beat 214, we will pass under 21 and if they press 4 we Ch them. Specially useful after a situation we might duck (df4 ob df1 ob)