Kunimitsu counterplay

From Wavu Wiki, the 🌊 wavy Tekken wiki

Most characters can beat all 1,1 extensions with SSR block. This should make 1,1,2 and 1,1,4 whiff while still blocking 1,1,1.

High-crush CH moves such as Josie's db+2 or Geese's d+4 are extremely effective against 1,1 and 2,2 since the second hit is pretty slow.

Be careful when she's at -2 (df+1 or BT.1+2 or df+3+4 on block) of doing an i13 mid check. She can challenge with 1,2 and CH confirm into 1,2...4.


You need a good plan for dealing with df+3+4 on block. This is her strongest standing mid and gives her an arguably favorable situation on block. She's -2 and can choose to be BT, giving her access to powerful moves like BT.d+3 and BT.1+2:

  • i13 mid checks lose to BT.d+3
  • Dickjab is suspicious since she could do BT.d+3, or sidestep, or low parry it.
  • Low parrying the BT.d+3 is somewhat suspicious since the other lows won't be parried (BT.d+4 is too slow and BT.d+2 can't be parried).
  • If she overuses the BT mixup after, hopkicks are strong answers, but this is of course risky.