Shaheen tech

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Tech broadly covers anything that doesn't fit elsewhere, such as:

  • Notable tricks or niche uses for a string/move
  • Execution tips for a particular technique

If a section gets too long, it might be sensible to move it to its own page.

Al-Ghul Master



+28 (+2)
Balcony Break
  • Alternate input: SNK.D*,u+2
  • Chip damage on block
  • Powered up during Heat
  • Read more

Al-Ghul's input is a charge motion, similar to a Flash Kick. The down input must be charged for at least 39 frames, and, like Flash Kick, any down input counts (db, df, d).

Shaheen does not need to be crouching to charge the Down input, meaning you can charge during move animations and move recoveries. For example: Landing a Heat Engager or during a move with a long total duration.

On it's own, this move is situational at best, as it gives very few plus frames and even with masking the charge input with another move, it's still quite slow and risky for a high. However, Al-Ghul Master (H.D*,u+2), the powered up version of the move that Shaheen gains in Heat, is a guard break move that gives 13 frames of advantage on block - coincidentally, if done frame perfectly, f:b+2 is i13. This makes Al-Ghul go from a situational, risky high, to a key piece of Shaheen's already powerful full crouch mixup. If Shaheen's opponent has shown that they are comfortable with stand blocking and reacting to the slide, Al-Ghul Master allows him to call this out and still win the full crouch mixup.

As a high, it is still duckable, especially since ducking covers both Al-Ghul as well as slide, but it's important to show that you can and will use this option in Heat in tandem with his mid selection to continue enforcing the full crouch mixup.

SNK Cancelling

Stealth Step


  • Transitions to SNK
  • Transition to FC with SNK.DB

SNK (or Stealth Step) is Shaheen's primary stance, with a number of ways to enter it, and several of his best moves are out of it. However, one of the most important parts of this stance is how to not be in the stance. Pressing db will instantly cancel SNK and put Shaheen into full crouch, and full crouch is how Shaheen makes his money, allowing him to threaten slide, FC.df+2 and FC.df+4,1, and also threaten his while standing options. Furthermore, Shaheen's high damage bread and butter combos require SNK cancelling, for example:

uf+4, 3,DF SNK.2 df+4,1,DF SNKc ws3,3 T! FC.df+2 f,F+3

Another fun thing you can do with SNK cancelling is looping FC.df+4,DF over and over again. This has little actual use but it looks funny. SNK cancelling gives Shaheen a great deal of freedom in his combo game as well as his neutral pressure, and it's what separates beginner Shaheens from intermediate and advanced ones.