As Katarina:
Katarina (Tekken 7) |
- Options after Yoshi's f,F+4 on block -
- 1,1 will beat holding back and b3/b4 (any # of spins, can transition to Harrier to escape to safety)
- 2,2 will beat holding back and b3/b4 (single spin), but loses to db and b3/b4 (multiple spins)
- b3 will beat holding back and holding db, but loses to b3/b4
- b1~f HAR df1+2 will beat holding db and b3/b4 single spin (max reward option to cover these), but loses to holding back then ducking/flashing or multiple b4 spins
- b1~f HAR 4 will beat holding db and b3/b4 (any # of spins), but loses to holding back then flashing
- b1~f HAR 1 will beat holding db and b3/b4 (any # of spins), but loses to holding back then ducking (BEATS FLASH)
As Yoshimitsu:
Katarina matchups (view all) |
Yoshimitsu matchups (view all) |