Paul strategy

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This page is for Tekken 8. For Tekken 7, see Paul strategy (Tekken 7).

Key Moves

Move Poke Counter Mixup Keepout Approach Oki



Startup Level oB oH
b+3 i14~15 h -6 +31a (+25)
df+2 i15~16 m -8 +33a (+23)
qcf+1 i16~17[1] h -4 +33a (+26)
SWA.1+2 i16~17[1] m -14 +37a (+27)
f,F+4 i27~34[1] m +2 +18a
  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Unbufferable
Safe, extremely high-evading mid. Close-range whiff punish. Can be combined with with df1~b, ws1,2~b and backdash to launch overextensions.
Best range among Paul's launchers. Has some high evasion on startup, but punishable at -14.
High and slow, but very safe at -4.
Faster than df+2 for clutch situations but has a high hitbox and limited range. Good for pressure. Tracks left.
Cartwheel launcher. Recovers in full crouch. Tons of active frames, but slow and linear, making it vulnerable to floats and sidesteps. Advantage on block varies according to how late the attack connects.
Startup Level oB oH
uf+3 i15~16 m -16 +25a (+15)
uf+4 i15~17 m -13 +33a (+23)
uf+3,4 i15~16,i13~14 m,m -16,-13 +32a (+22)
f,F+3 i15~16[1] m -17 +24a (+14)
f,F+3,4 i15~16,i13~14[1] m,m -17,-16 +30a (+20)
  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Unbufferable
All hopkicks crush lows but are unsafe on block. uf+3 and f,F+3 can be extended with 4 to frame trap and launch premature punish attempts. f,F+3,4 can be further extended into a high, mid or low followup with 4, f+4 or d+4.
Counterhit Launchers
Startup Level oB oCH
db+2 i19~20 M -11 +28a (+18)
SWA.4 i15~16[1] h +1 +59a
SWA.3 i18~19[1] L -21c +21a
qcf+3+4 i19~20[1] m -9 +74a (+58) T!
SWA.1 i21~22[1] M +0c +53a
(2),3 i10,i22~23 h,h +0,-9 +51a
df+(3),4 i16,i21~22 m,m -9,-10 +59a
(3),2~b i15~16,i23 m,h -7,+4 +57a
DPD.(2),3 i14,i25~26[1] m,M -10,-13c +46a
SWA.3 i18~19[1] L -21c +21a
SWA.(3,2),3 i18~19,i27~28,i25~26[1] L,m,M -13c +46a
b+(2),1 i18,i36 m,m -5c,-12 +48a
b+(2),1* i18,i60~61 m,m -5c,+8 +56a
ws(1),2~b > H.SWA.2~F i15~16,i20,i15 m,m,m +1,-9 +36a (+26)
  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Unbufferable
Gimmick Low Launchers
Startup Level oB oH
f,F+2,2 i15~17,i36~38[1] m,L -17,-19c +27a
qcf+1+2 i32~33[1] L -12c +71a (+55) T!
  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Unbufferable
Cancelable, but slow enough to be hopkicked on reaction. If not interrupted, both attacks recover in full crouch when canceled, giving Paul access to Ultimate Tackle (FC.1+2), mixup from FC.df+2 (an alternate input for f,F+2) and pressure from ws1,2~b.


Startup Level oB oH Damage
df+1,1 i14,i20~21 m,h -5 +5 11,9
SS.1 i20 h +8 +35a (+27) 21
uf+2 i22~23 h +5 +17d FDFA 26
f,F+2:1 i15~17,i15[1] m,h -4 +37d (+11) 14,24
DPD.2,1 i14,i18~19[1] m,h -5 +23d FUFA 10,20
SWA.4 i15~16[1] h +1 +23d (+14) 20
  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Unbufferable
High and slow, but extremely advantageous on block and guarantees Deathfist mini-combo on hit.
Second hit can be ducked but requires awareness and fast reaction. At -4, mashing on block can generally be backdashed or sidestepped.
Startup Level oB oH Damage
df+4 i17~18 m -2 +8 17
ws1,2~b i15~16,i20 m,m +1 +14g 16,17
df+1~b i14 m +3 +9 11
df+1,1,2 i14,i20~21,i22~23 m,h,m -9 +32a (+24) 11,9,22
qcf+2 i13~14[1] m -17 +26a (-10) FDFA 45
f+1+2 i20~21 m +3c +8c 22
f+1+2* i29~30 m +5c +20d FDFA 26
DPD.2 i14[1] m -10 +6 10
DPD.2,3 i14,i25~26[1] m,M -13c +10d FDFA 10,22
  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Unbufferable
Low risk at -2 and high reward with CH confirm into f+2 Heat Engager or d+1+2/b+1,2 knockdown. On block, best used in combination with sidestep to evade and launch mashing opponents. At +8 on hit, df+1~b can only be interrupted by parries or teleporting attacks, a second df+4 can only be interrupted by armor or teleporting attacks, and throw attempts can only be ducked or interrupted by a mashed Rage Art.
Delayable, sway cancelable mid-mid pressure tool. First hit tracks far to Paul's left side and combos into second hit on CH. The second hit, which should always be sway canceled, is +1 on block, +14g on hit, and CH leads to two confirmable Heat Engager options with SWA.2 or f+2. Great range when used as iWS from either crouch dash or DPD. Highly abusable attack and one of Paul's best all-purpose moves.
df+1~b, df+1,1, df+1,1,2
df+1 is a versatile plus on block mid when sway canceled, and can be used to frame trap with delayable df+1,1. Second hit on CH guarantees third hit into qcf+2 mini-combo. df+2, with obnoxious high evasion, pairs well with df+1~b on block as opponents will try to jab check the stance transition and can be launched for trying.
qcf+2 (Deathfist)
Huge, fast, damaging mid Heat Engager. Linear and vulnerable to sidestep. Forms the foundation of Paul's mid-low mix along with Demoman.
Startup Level oB oH Damage
SS.3 i19 L -12c +4 17
d+4,2:1+2 i15,i21,i26~27 L,m,m -31c +14a FUFA 9,23,30
qcf+3 i18~19[1] L -14c +0 18
DPD.4 i17[1] L -12c 0 18
b+4 i20~21 L -12c +4 14
SWA.3 i18~19[1] L -21c -10g 14
  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Unbufferable
Low with huge reach. Only -12 on block. Guaranteed d+1+2 for 50 damage on CH. Ideal after df+1~b~u or ws1,2~b~u.
d+4,2:1+2 (Demoman)
Paul's most damaging unseeable low. Requires clean hit or CH for all three hits to connect, lacks any high crush and is extremely punishable on block. Best used sparingly, but always worth establishing as a threat. Most effective near wall, where it cannot be backdashed.
Go-to unseeable low outside Demoman's Clean Hit range. Crushes highs and leads to a Demoman mini-combo on most counterhits.


Startup Level oB oH Damage
H.2+3 i18,i21,i38 L,m,t -12 +3d 9,23,25
H.CS.2 i13~14 m -13 +26a (-10) FDFA 51
H.1+2 i28 m -9 +30d (-6) FDFA 35
H.1+2* i46 m +10 +30d (-6) FDFA 40
H.1+2** i71 m! +30d (-6) FDFA 50
H.d+1,2 i14~15,i29 M,m -13 +29d (-7) FDFA 16,32
H.d+1,2* i14~15,i43 M,m +12 +30d (-6) FDFA 16,45
H.b+2,1* i18,i60~61 m,m +12 +56a 22,35
H.f+1+2* i29~30 m +5c +55a 30
H.2+3 (Heat Smash)
Demoman, but faster and with no Clean Hit requirement. Least punishable low Heat Smash in the game at -12.


Startup Level oB oH Damage
1,2 i10,i10 h,h -3 +8 5,12
d+1 i14~15 M -9 +2 16
3 i15~16 m -7 +4 14
f+2 i13 h,t -5 +9 12,26
df+2 i15~16 m -8 +33a (+23) 13
f+4 i22 m -5 +6 24
qcf+3 i18~19 L -14c +0 18
df+3,4 i16,i21~22 m,m -10 +6 13
SWA.2 i15 m -9 +39d (-19) 27
SWA.4 i15~16 h +1 +23d (+14) 20


High Crush
Startup Level Crush
CD 2[1] cs1~21
SWA[2] 3[1] cs1~14
DPD 4[1] cs1~30
db+1 i10 sl cs
d+2 i11 sl cs
db+4 i12 L cs
db+3 i15~i17 L cs
DPD.4 i17[1] L cs1~
qcb+3 i18~19[1] L cs1~
qcf+3 i18~19[1] L cs7~40
qcf+1+2 i32~33[1] L cs1~33
2,d+3 i10,i22 h,L cs21~
1,4 i10,i23 h,L cs14~
f,F+2,2 i15~17,i36~38[1] m,L cs33~83
  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Unbufferable
  2. ↑ No high crush from attack transitions (evasion only)
Low Crush
Startup Level Crush
uf+3 i15~16 m js8~29 fs30~32
uf+3,4 i15~16,i13~14 m,m js8~29 fs30~32
uf+4 i15~17 m js8~29 fs30~32
uf,n,4 i23~25 m js8~29 fs30~32
f+4 i22 m js9~22
uf+2 i22~23 h js9~24
f,F+3 i15~16[1] m js10~31 fs32~34
f,F+3,4 i15~16,i13~14[1] m,m js10~24 fs25~27
f,F+4 i27~34[1] m js14~31 fs32~34
qcf+3+4 i19~20[1] m js19~39
DPD.3+4 i18~23,i51~61[1] m,M js16~35 fs36~62 FDFA 63~92
  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Unbufferable
Startup Level oB oH Crush
2+3 i16 m +1 +2c pc7~
db+1+2 i20~21 M -14 +30a (+22) pc7~19
b+1+2 i24 h -9 +21d (+16) pc7~23
RA i20 m,t -15 +0d pc8~


Startup Level oB oH
SWA.4 i15~16[1] h +1 +23d (+14)
f+3 i16~17 h -9 +2
f+4 i22 m -5 +6
  1. ↑ Unbufferable


Startup Damage
db+2 i19~20 21
b+1,2 i12~13 12,21
qcf+3+4 i19~20[1] 22
DPD.2,1 i14[1] 10,20
SWA.3,2,1 i18~19[1] 14,20,25
SWA.1+2 i16~17[1] 22
  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Unbufferable


Wall Carry
Startup Damage
d+4,2:1+2 i15 9,23,30
f,F+2:1 i15~17[1] 14,24
ws3,2 i13~14 16,21
DPD.2,1 i14[1] 10,20
f,F+3,4,4 i15~16[1] 17,10,25
qcf+1 i16~17[1] 21
  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Unbufferable
Optimal ender for damage and wall carry. Perfect input required to maximize both.
Useful for splatting at ranges where Demoman will not recover in time for a wall combo follow-up.
Useful for splatting at ranges where Demoman and f,F+2:1 will not recover in time for a wall combo follow-up.
High damage 2-hit carry string. Second hit uses Tornado, which can limit follow-up combo potential after a wall splat.
Paul's highest damage carry from ranges where Demoman is too far to wall splat.

At Wall


Sets up wall combo if unbroken. Risky - causes FDFA knockdown if broken at wall.


Safer option for wall setups, but missing the perfect execution window can limit combo possibilities.