Jin strategy

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Key moves

Move Poke Counter Mixup Keepout Approach Oki
ZEN 3+4

Below is a WIP


Jin is one of the most well rounded characters in Tekken 8. He is especially powerful at controlling the neutral. Once the opponent respects the midrange tools, Jin can approach and mix up his opponent with powerful Mishima-Style staples such as his Crouch Dash, Hellsweep, Electric Wind Hook Fist, Left Split Kicks, etc. or stay and and continue to control the neutral.



A wavedash is series of Crouch Dashes chained together, it is input with f,n,d,df,f, where the last forward input can be used as the forward input for the next Crouch Dash.

A wavedash has a wide range of applications and flexibility making this one of the most powerful stances for a Mishima.

While in a crouch dash, Jin is able to approach, high crush, and realign to the opponent all at once. How fast this technique is performed dictates how much distance is traveled by Jin, at which points he is threatening certain attacks, and at which points he can avoid attacks. While Jin cannot block while wavedashing, pressing back after the crouch dash input will allow Jin to block immediately, keeping you safe from quick panic options or keep out options.

If proper respect from the opponent is not established, then the crouch dash is much weaker, and it gives free reign for them to run their own offense.

Below is a list of options you can present from a wavedash:

  • CD#2 (Jin's Electric Wind Hook Fist, a plus on block, high, instant tornado launcher)
  • CD,ws4 (A safe mid which comes out on the safe frame as EWHF)
  • CD#1 (A fast mid launcher, the electric version hits grounded and causes a flip)
  • CD.DF+4,2 (Jin's Hellsweep, an unreactable low that knocks down and causes a ground slam)
  • CD,f,f+3 (A safe mid launcher, although reactable, can act as a timing mixup alongside Hellsweep)
  • CD,throw (adds to the mental stack of someone looking to react and block Jin's strikes)
  • CD,f,f+2/CD,f+4 (Powerful long range mids)

This list is by no means exhaustive, and any standing, while standing, or any other move can be performed out of wave dash with enough practice.

Heat Smash

Jin has powerful options out of his Heat Smash, allowing him to snowball plus frames during pressure, or combo into devastating damage.

By default, Jin's Heat Smash will throw out three hits, and then transition into a cinematic, however, on block, it will cancel the cinematic leaving Jin +3 on block, and transition into Jin's Red-Eyed Breaking Step, which allows Jin to perform electric attacks without the need for just frame inputs. During the first hits, hold back to cancel the breaking step, retain the frame advantage, and leaving yourself with a little more breathing room.

After the first two hits, if 4 is input, then Jin will end his heat smash prematurely with a strong side kick. On hit this move will throw the opponent far across the stage, wallsplating from incredible distances, or interacting with stage elements. On block, this will push the enemy far away, leave Jin +9, and potentially wallsplat, which gives Jin over 21 frames of advantage, allowing him to run almost any pressure he would like.

Combo Theory

The purpose of combos extends to more than just dealing as much damage as possible, and typically prioritizes the situation of both players after the combo as much or more than the damage dealt.

Potential factors to include when choosing a combo route can include the damage, ease of execution, wall carry, wall damage, resources spent, and okizeme. What to prioritize depends on the situation in game and the choices and tradeoffs a player wishes to make.

b+3 Combo Conversion

b+3 is a key move for Jin to pick up combos off of various launchers. It allows for easier conversions off of things such as a low parry, counter hit f+4, EWHF into EWHF, etc.

There is a nuance to comboing opponents on the ground with b+3. You may be trying out combos by landing individual hits and progressing one move at a time, however the stance transition for b+3 into ZEN changes the properties of the move. You may find that some combos will not work if performed with b+3 compared to b+3,F. This is because when cancelling b+3, either into ZEN or less commonly into its b+3,1 follow-up, the speed of the attack will be faster, and the hitbox of the b+3 will extend downwards further allowing the combo to continue.

Combo Structure

An air combo typically consists of a launcher, 3-5 mid air hits, a tornado, and a finisher. The launcher will throw the opponent up in the air, each additional hit will add additional damage and relaunch the opponent slightly lower and further, the tornado will launch an opponent away and they will land in a vulnerable state, allowing you to land your finisher.

An instant tornado will start the combo at the second stage, typically allowing the instant tornado, a few juggling hits, and then the finisher.

A combo launching the opponent towards a wall may allow you to run up and continue the combo for additional damage.

Jin's typical stable bread and butter air combo will consist of:

Launcher > b+3,F+1 b+3,F~ZEN.u+1 T! b+3,F+1,3

Combo Filler and Tornado Launchers

Each additional hit in a combo will add extra damage to your combo, but will further scale the damage of the following hits, and launch the opponent lower and further away. Therefore it is important to understand the effects of each hit in a combo and how it will affect follow-up hits.

Off of regular launchers, CD#1, uf+4, ws2, etc., Jin's most stable combo conversion tool is b+3,F~ZEN.1. This is a quick i15 string with plenty of vertical and horizontal range and allows for transitions into the rest of Jin's combo routing.

Before comboing off of the launch with b+3,F, an additional attack can typically be squeezed in. For optimal damage, typically an EWHF can be input, although this cannot be buffered in the recovery of your launcher, so this can be difficult to perform quickly enough. Otherwise, a b+3 or standing 3 can be used, although all of these options may be inconsistent based on a variety of factors such as if the launch was performed off axis, the distance, which launcher was used, etc.

Juggles can typically be continued with either another b+3,F or a b,f+2,3,F into ZEN.u+1 for a tornado launcher. b,f+2,3,F does contain an additional hit that may make finishers after the tornado launch more difficult or finnicky to perform.

Combo Finishers

After the tornado attack, the opponent will be stuck to the ground in a combo-able state. This allows you to run up and perform a finisher; this finisher will typically determine the situation post combo.

Below is a list of potential combo finishers and their general rewards and tradeoffs:

  • b+3,f+1,4 typically is the highest damage resource-less finisher, although it cannot wallsplat and launches the opponent far away.
  • b+3,f+1,2 deals good damage and launches the oppnent far away. If the wall is particularly close, the recovery of the move may not allow for any wall follow-ups.
  • b+3,2 is good for when a wall is somewhat closer than with b+3,f+1,2.
  • b+2,1 allows for a very high wallsplat provided the wall is close enough, allowing for a potent wall combo.
  • df+4/df+3~3/iWS1,3~3 all spike the opponent to the ground with good frame advantage. This allows for strong okizeme, with things such as CD#1 beating all options besides quickstand or toe kick, or f+4 safely launching a toe kick attempt.

(to do: add stuff about wall combos)

General Strategy


Jin excels in the mid range with threatening mids and his crouch dash.

Jin’s mid range control centers around his f,F+2 and his f+4.

Name Input Hit Startup Block CH Stage Followup
Demon's Paw f,F+2 m i14 -8
Balcony Break

A safe on block mid with excellent range. Easier to use out of wavedash than f+4, and its speed and tracking leaves this move difficult to contest, and its heat engage property ensures Jin still gets good reward from connecting it.

Name Input Hit Startup Block CH Stage Followup
Front Thrust Kick f+4 m i16 -8 Launch f+4,F

A safe move to control space at ranges 2-3, the pushback resets you back far enough that being -8 isn't detrimental. The transition to ZEN stance allows an opportunity to get in, and while you are -1 in their face, the options you have out of the ZEN stance allows you to answer whatever response they have.

The counterhit launcher can discourage the opponent from pressing buttons in neutral to try to close the gap.

(add notes on comboing from CH f+4 because it can be difficult sometimes, add a video maybe)



Jin has a simple series of attack to poke with in close range, offering various situations where the opponent has to choose to duck, interrupt, or stand block, and has the tools to catch an enemy trying to duck his attacks.


Name Input Hit Startup Block CH Stage Followups
Right Jab 2 h i10 0 2,1 | 2,1,4 | 2,4

2,1 is a very spammable jab string; safe, high mid makes it difficult to duck and punish, and gives a third safe hit for cover which allows Jin to combo on the ground for some guaranteed damage on counter hit with CD#1 or d+2.

2,4 is safe on block and is Jin's i10 standing punish. Close to the wall it can wallsplat, and holding F after inputting transitions into ZEN.


Name Input Hit Startup Block CH Stage Followups
Jab 1 l i10 +1 1,2,3 | 1,2,4 | 1,3,4 | 1,2,1

The starter to Jin's most straight-forward mix. 1 by itself is an i10 high that gives +1 on block.

  • 1,2,3 hits h,h,m and will perform an axe kick which leaves Jin at +0, resetting the situation.
  • 1,2,4 is a safe h,h,h string which can catch people trying to mash out of 1,2,3.
  • 1,3,4 hits h,l,l and can be a good way to catch an unsuspecting opponent with a quick low. Be careful on prepared opponents as Jin's other string options out of 1 don't cover someone low parrying 1,3 and standing for the rest of his strings.
  • 1,2,1 gives Jin a quick mid launcher from his jab string which can hit people trying to mash high crushing buttons out of 1,2,3 or 1,2,4. Although it is launch punishable on block, it recovers crouching and some may have trouble punishing it.

Other Pokes


Mid Left Punch Startup Key Followups Characteristics
df+1 i13 df+1,4
Hit Level On Block
m -3

Jin's fast mid check, becomes very threatening at the wall as df+1,4 will wallsplat.


Shun Masatsu Startup Key Followups Characteristics
b+2,1 i12
Hit Level On Block
m,m -9

Mid, jails or frame traps with delay, safe but loses turn.


Fiendish Rend Startup Key Followups Characteristics
df+2 i16 df+2,DF
Hit Level On Block
m -9

Usually happens from a messed up EWHF input, safe mid, can input DF to transition to breaking step, if df+2 is blocked, the breaking step can usually be poked.


Kishin Rekko Startup Key Followups Characteristics
3,1 i14 3,1,F
Hit Level On Block 3,1,4
h,h -1

High, high, but good advantage if canceled into ZEN.


Evil Intent Startup Key Followups Characteristics
b,f+2 i15 b,f+2,1,2
Hit Level On Block b,f+2,1,df+2
m -7 b,f+2,3,F

b,f+2,3 is safe, b,f+2,3,F is +2, mid, and and transitions into ZEN.


Left Knee Startup Key Followups Characteristics
b+3 i16 b+3,F
Hit Level On Block b+3,2
m -6

Safe mid with some decent follow ups.


Right Spinning Axe Kick Startup Key Followups Characteristics
df+4 i20 Heat Engager
Hit Level On Block
m 0

i22, +0 on block mid, heat engager

Low Pokes

Jin has a straightforward set of low pokes which can encourage opponents to preemptively crouch block which can open up opponents for strong mid options.


Right Sweep Startup Key Followups Characteristics
d+4 i16
Hit Level On Block
l -12

An i16, high crushing poke with good range and the potential to hit grounded opponents. Only -12 on block, although -1 on hit means you typically lose your turn after it lands.


Right Low Roundhouse Startup Key Followups Characteristics
Input i20
Hit Level On Block
l -13

An i20 low with good damage and is +3 on hit, meaning you can maintain momentum if you find the room to place this move. Stagger on counter hit means you're plus enough to run more potent offense.


Scourge Startup Key Followups Characteristics
d+2 i22 High Crush
Hit Level On Block Counter-hit Tornado Launcher
l -14 Recovers Crouching

An i22 high crush, tracking, counter hit launching low. On block, only certain characters are able to launch you in return.

It recovers crouching giving you immediate access to Jin's while standing moves.

In matchups against opponents aware of d+2, it loses its utility as a neutral low poke, either through reacting to d+2 or forcing it to whiff with a back dash, however, it can still serve as a powerful defensive tool against high targeting attacks.


Full throw game


Tidal Wave Startup Key Followups Characteristics
uf+1+2 i12 Floor Break
Hit Level On Block
High frame on block


Shun Ren Dan Startup Key Followups Characteristics
df+2+3 i12
Hit Level On Block
h frame on block

Can be input from ZEN.


Complicated Wire Startup Key Followups Characteristics
qcb+1+3 i12
Hit Level On Block
med/low/high frame on block

Zenshin Stance

Jin is able to cancel some of his key attacks into his ZEN stance, providing him access to powerful moves to continue his pressure.

He may also enter the stance manually with either f+3+4 or b+3+4, the latter of which, Zanshin, is identical to his Zenshin stance except for the retreating motion, and his ability to immediately cancel the stance with a forward input. Otherwise, you can cancel his ZEN stance into his Red-Eyed Breaking Step, which is identical to his traditional Breaking Step except with the ability to perform electrics without a just-frame input at the cost of being able to cancel the Breaking Step into a block with a backwards input.

Although his ZEN options are powerful, they are also slow. When canceling his moves on block into ZEN stance, they typically are not plus enough to prevent an opponent from performing a quick jab or crouch jab to interrupt a majority of his attacks. As such, canceling his attacks into ZEN should be done to unsuspecting opponents on block, or on hit to extend your offense.

Additionally, when opponents are knocked down, staggered, or playing respectfully or passively, entering ZEN in a neutral state can be used to mitigate their ability to mash out of or recognize the situation.

You can cancel his Zenshin Stance without commiting to an attack by first canceling into a Breaking Step, and then canceling the subsequent Breaking step into either a sidestep or a jump. Inputting ZEN,df,ub,b can cancel the ZEN without commiting to a sidestep or jump.


Brimstone Bite Startup Key Followups Characteristics
ZEN.1 i16 ZEN.1,2
Hit Level On Block ZEN.1,3
m -3 ZEN.1,2~DF


Fiendish Claw Startup Key Followups Characteristics
ZEN.2 i21 Homing
Hit Level On Block Heat Engager
h -5 Power Crush


Halberd Heel Startup Key Followups Characteristics
ZEN.3 i17 Homing
Hit Level On Block Balcony Break
m frame on block


Corpse Crusher Startup Key Followups Characteristics
ZEN.4 i27-i33
Hit Level On Block
m +2~+8


Low Chop Startup Key Followups Characteristics
ZEN.1+2 i24
Hit Level On Block
l -14


Black Wing Bolt Startup Key Followups Characteristics
ZEN.3+4 i21~i27 Low Crush
Hit Level On Block Wall Crush
h +9~+15 Balcony Break


Black Wing Rondo Startup Key Followups Characteristics
ZEN.u+1 i14
Hit Level On Block
m -16


Shun Ren Dan Startup Key Followups Characteristics
ZEN.2+3 i12
Hit Level On Block
h frame on block

Crouch Dash





