Feng tech

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1+2 Punch Parry

1+2 has a punch parry (also known as sabaki) effect in its initial frames. After the following moves on block, should the opponent attempt a fast punch button (such as a 1 jab), Feng will be able to parry the punch. The parry window starts from 5th frame ps5.

  • 1, 3 oB
  • u/f+1 oB
  • d/f+4, 3 oB
  • WS 1 oB
  • 1, 2 oB
  • kip up oB
  • chinese getup (b+3+4 while FUFT) oB
  • d+3+4 (generic d+4) oH

Should Feng parry the punch (you can tell by the unique animation of the opponent slumping forward), Feng can land the b1+2. the most advanced setups are ps5 (Parry State i5 Frame). if the oponent attack with a punch after Block the safe attack these are the most common setups.

  • -5 On Block
  • UF1, 1+2
  • 3~4, 1+2
  • 1,3, 1+2

if you you know your Oponent Move is +5 you can use the punch and counter it Punch attacks. Example Kasuya Reina Devil Jin Jin Electrics, F,d,*N, DF+2 Aliza F+1+2 (Destructive Form)

  • On Block +5 Attack, 1+2
  • -4 On Block
  • DB1+2, 1+2
  • DF4,3, 1+2
  • Oponent Move +4
  • On Block +4 Attack, 1+2
  • -3 On Block
  • WS1, 1+2
  • STC2, 1+2
  • F3, 1+2
  • F+3,2, 1+2
  • BT1, 1+2
  • BT1+2, 1+2
  • Oponent Move +3
  • On Block +3 Attack, 1+2

  • -2 On Block
  • DB1,4, 1+2
  • Oponent Move +2
  • On Block +2 Attack, 1+2

  • -1 On Block
  • UF3, 1+2
  • Oponent Move +1
  • On Block +1 Attack, 1+2
  • 0 On Block
  • DF1, 1+2
  • QCF1+2, 1+2

on hit setup are less commond but can be usefull in hard reads

  • 0 On Hit
  • D4, 1+2

This is especially potent in this game since it leads into Heat or into a combo if already in Heat. And in tekken 8 can setup good combos near explosive walls, balcons and breakeable walls. The ideal frames to attempt the punch parry is when Feng is -5 and better. So 1+2 can be attempted in the middle of certain strings (such as Law's b+1, 2, 2) in order to negate pressure.

u/f+1+2 Command Grab into d/f+3

After the command grab, Feng is right next to the opponent. You can use d/f+3 as okizeme to option select certain outcomes.

  • Hits both side rolls
  • Launches into T! from any wake-up kicks and spring attack
  • Flips the opponent if they choose to stay on the ground.

Should the opponent Stand Up or Wake Up (Backward), they will block the d/f+3. However, this will put them -7 oB and be in the ideal range for a STC parry.

Common f+2,1,2 Frame Trap Setups

Since f2,1,2 (Boar's Tusk) has a start up of 15 frames, we can set up strong and simple mid/low mixup that results in a frame tight f2 counterhit. f2,1 is safe on block (-8) and if f2 has a successful counterhit we can very realistically confirm the rest of the string due to the visual and audio cue.

  • Use b+3 as a chunky +6 on block mid as a common set up for f+2.
  • FC.df+4,1 is a strong approaching low (can be performed out of snake dash) to gain +6 frames of advantage

Of course there are many other frame situations that Feng can create to instill fear of f+2. b+3 and FC df+4,1 are great starting points to start implementing this into your gameplan

Common Crush Frame Traps Setups High Crush, Low Crush,Armor moves and STC Parry

All the Crush and armored move have special properties in his move Behavior with crounching state(cs) frames, jumping state frames (js) and Powercrush frames (pc), that allow to setup Frame traps with the safe attacks moves similar to a sabaki but just using its special behavior and the exact window when that state begin.

  • High Crush Setups


+25a (+18)

the safe attacks can be make on block and the cs crounching state window start in 6th frame, all the safe attack from 0 to -4 can be used commond examples:

  • F+3,2 oB(-3),UF+3+4(cs6) This option is good for spammers but becarefull the last hit is Higth can be duck and punish.
  • F+3 oB(-3),UF+3+4(cs6) This option is safe can work for all higth moves attack.
  • DB+1+2 oB(-4),UF+3+4(CS6) This option is safe can attack higth moves, and hit crouch oponents very usefull for mixups and set previous attacks with the string DB+1+2,2 with the last attack is a low.



the safe attacks can be make on block and the cs crounching state window start in 6th frame, in this particular case the QCF is a stance it 2 frames to start the move for that reason the better results stars from -1 to -2, examples:

  • UF+3 oB(-1) QCF+1(cs6) very good and secure option, works great againts spammers and medium level players.
  • DB1,4 oB(-2), QCF+1(cs6) good option for spammers but not for advanced level becarefull the last hit is Higth can be duck and punish.
  • Low Crush Setups
Soaring Eagle


+33a (+23)
  • Alternate input with uf or u

the safe attacks can be make on block and the js jumping state window start in 9th frame, all the safe attack from 0 to -1 can be used but only for low moves, recomended for big reads, and low spammers. uf+3(-1)oB,UF+4

  • Powercrush Setups (armor moves)
Tiger's Claw


Heat Engager
Heat Dash +5, +35d
Balcony Break

the safe attacks can be make on block and the pc (Powercrush state) window start in 7th frame, all the safe attack from 0 to -3 can be used but better results with High and medium moves (low moves beat Powercrush), recomended for Punch and kicks spammers. uf+3(-1)oB,F+1+2.

  • Rage Art Powercrush Setups (armor moves):
Enlighted Yellow Dragon Palm


  • Rage Art
  • Erases opponent's recoverable health on hit
  • Damage increases with lower health

the safe attacks can be make on block and the pc (Powercrush state) window start in 8th frame, all the safe attack from 0 to -2 can be used but better results with High and medium moves (low moves beat Powercrush), recomended for Punch and kicks spammers. UF+3(-1)oB, DF+1+2.

  • Stc Shifting Clouds Frame Traps:
  • STC ps3

All this setup can be use with F+3+4 after block.

  1. -7 On Block
  • 4~3,
  • DF3,
  • DF+3+4,
  • db+1,2,4,
  • WS2,
  • WS4,
  1. -6 On Block
  • df+2,2,
  • df+4,
  • B2,3,4,2,
  • UF3+4,3,
  • WS1,3,
  1. -5 On Block
  • FC1_D1,
  • UF1,
  • 3~4,
  • 1,3,
  1. +5 On Block Oponents Attacks

Example Kasuya F,d,N,DF+2 +5 On Block +5 Attack, F3+4

  1. -4 On Block
  • Db1+2,
  • DF4,3,
  1. +4 On Block Oponents Attacks
  • Example

Kasuya F+4 +4 On Block +4 Attack, ~u, F3+4

  1. -3 On Block
  • WS1,
  • STC2,
  • F3,
  • F+3,2,
  • BT1,
  1. -2 On Block
  • DB1,4,
  1. -1 On Block
  • UF3,
  1. 0 On Block
  • DF1,
  • QCF1+2,
  1. 0 On Hit
  • D4 On Hit,

Great Evasion of Sidestep, and Offensive Sidestep

Feng wei have one of the Best sidestep in the game, in the list of the male Characters him have one the best evasion for general move getting even better results with linears moves.

The recovery Frames for linears attacks allow to Feng Wei excels in his evasion properties, punishing on Whiff attacks that other characters simply can't, the best scenarios to setup whiff, is with secure attacks from -3 to 0 on block. Moves like UF+4.

Soaring Eagle


+33a (+23)
  • Alternate input with uf or u

Work Great to punish, any whiff from his oponents, also his good evasion allow him to cancel the window of sidestep of 7 Frames to Initiate moves that starts devastating combos.

The image above show the Behavior of a jab 1 i10 on whiff, in the recovery frames time, the oponent can't do any other move. and only can block after the 20th recovery frame.

UF+4 is one of the more secure attacks and fast with 15 frames to Initiate combos, sadly it Initial damage is not the more strong, but its properties of lowcrush allow to change in a instant, the dinamic of the figth, creating timing, and changing the momentum of the game.

The image above show the Behavior of a setup with a safe attack at -3, and then the use for the punish on whiff for a jab 1 i10 in the same window of shared time, for the sidestep, and the jab on whiff, it happens because in the recovery frames time, the oponent can't do any other move. and only can block after the 20th recovery frame.

One of the more effective moves to punish on Whiff attacks for Feng Wei is F+3,4 it can reach good distance, and start good damage combos.

Climbing Dragon


+33a (+23)
  • Combo from 1st hit

The image above show the Behavior of a setup with a safe attack at 0 on block, and then the use for the punish on whiff for a jab 1 i10 in the same window of shared time, for the sidestep, and the jab on whiff, it happens because in the recovery frames time, in this example the move use to punish is a i21 move more slow, and with more damage result, the oponent can't do any other move. and only can block after the 20th recovery frame.

behavior of a Sidestep,the sidestep behave like a stance, for that reason it can be stop pressing f, or b, that allow the character the hability to starts moves, starting the state of punish on whiff, in the same frame that the evasion is complete, is important take consideration of the weak side of the oponent for increase the percentaje of success for the punish, that happen because some characters are more weak to SSL (u) and others to SSR (d).

Feng Wei have very good results setting whiff after an attack with a secure string or move, the best scenarios are -3 on block moves, until 0 on block, (not than usual at -4, and only with big characters -5) this are best examples that can be used like Frames Traps, taking advantage of the Whiff attack for the oponent.

All the move listed below can be used for, setup a sidestep and Whiff punish with UF+4.

  1. -3 On Block
  • WS1,
  • 1,2,
  • 2,
  • STC2,
  • F3,
  • F+3,2
  • BT1,
  1. -2 On Block
  • D/B+1,4 (the last attack is higth carefull for duck punish)
  • D,d/f+4,1(the last attack is higth carefull for duck punish).
  1. -1 On Block
  • UF3,
  1. 0 On Block
  • DF1,
  • QCF1+2,

If your oponent use attacks more slows than a jab you can increase the damage of your punish, with better moves.

for example F+3,4 Climbing Dragon

All the move listed below can be used for, setup a sidestep and Whiff punish with F+3,4

  1. -3 On Block
  • WS1,
  • 1,2,
  • 2,
  • STC2,
  • F3,
  • F+3,2
  • BT1,
  1. -2 On Block
  • D/B+1,4 (the last attack is higth carefull for duck punish)
  • D,d/f+4,1(the last attack is higth carefull for duck punish).
  1. -1 On Block
  • UF3,
  1. 0 On Block
  • DF1,
  • QCF1+2,

External links

Advanced Frame Traps Setups On Block, On Hit, On Counterhit

On Block Framestrap: Feng Wei have very strong tools to steal the turn and stay attacking an opressive system of attacks with this moves on + allow Feng stay in a good advantage to continue the attacks and in various situations starts combos.

The new dinamics in tekken 8, need to be take in consideration to understand the mechanics of the game, universaly the jab 1 (i10) was the common mesure to setup the frametraps and Attack but the new dinamics allow to learn new tools and Behavior that can easy change that results. Let start with the considerations of the moves that are more fast than a jab and have special properties to react before the i10 frame Window.

Carefull moves more faster that jab:

  • i3 Parry Feng STC and Leroy
  • i5 Parry Reversal
  • i6 Yoshimitsu Flash 1+4
  • i7 Armor (Powercrush) Heat Burst Moves
  • i8 Rage Art
  • i8 Yoshimitsu NSS Flash
  • i8 Xiaoyu B+1
  • i9 Jump Status

Heat System Moves:

Heat Smash:

Yinglong Mountain Crusher


+12, +24 on STC at Wall, +19 at Wall
+30d (-6)
Heat Smash
  • Chip damage on block
  • Transitions to STC on block, can cancel with b, change to BKP with b, in STC stance.

Yinglong Mountain Crusher: In open space will give you a good Frame Advantage of +12 Frames, this allow to setup these frametraps:

  • +12 On Block:

Secure Frametraps: this moves keep you in a position that if the oponent attack you still can be safe, with no damage.

  • In Heat 2+3 oB, DF+3 !T (On Hit Starts Combo)
  • In Heat 2+3 oB, F+2,1,2 (Can be hit confirm, from First and second hit if oponent stay block that allow cancel the 3th attack).
  • In Heat 2+3 oB, F+3,4 (On Hit Starts Combo, allow to confirm if the firts attack is block cancel the second hit).
  1. can be defeat by a Rage Art i8 and Armor move i7
  1. 0 On Block
  • DF+1, B1, B+1+2
  • QCF1+2, B1, B+1+2
  1. +1 On Block
  • 1, B1, B1+2
  • SS 1+2, B1, B1+2
  • 1, 1,3 +8 On Hit
  • 1,1,2,2
  1. +2 On Block
  • U2, B1, B1+2
  • U2, 1,3 +8 On Hit
  • U2,1,2,2 +3 On Hit
  1. +3 On Block
  • SS2, 1, B1+2
  • F3+4, 3, 1, B1+2
  1. +4 On Block
  • BT 3, F, 1+2
  • FF3, F, 1+2
  1. +4 On Hit
  • DB+1+2, WS4, CH WR+3
  • KNP 1, WS3
  • KNP 1, WS1
  • BT d+1, WS4, QCF+1
  • DB+3, WS4
  1. +6 On Block
  • B+3, F2,1,2
  • B+3,DF+4,3 +15g
  • B+3 b+1+2
  • B+3 UF4
  • FFF+3, F2,1,2
  • FFF+3, UF+4
  1. +8 On Block
  • FF+3, 3,1+2 On Hold +7 Optimal For 3+4 ! H
  • FF+3, 2+3 Heat Burst 8 F (16-8)
  • FF+3, DB3 9 F (17-8 Throw On Counter Hit
  • FF+3, F+1+2 Heat Engager Powercrush
  • FF+3, DF+3 Initiate Combo !T
  • FF+3, WS2 Initiate Combo !T
  • FF+3, WS3 Initiate Combo
  • FF+3, UF4 Initiate Combo
  • FF+3, QCF+1+2 On Block 0 , on Counterhit b1+2
  • FF+3, UF2 +3 On Hit
  • FF+3, DF4,2,1+2 T! Initiate Combo
  • FF+3, DB1,2,4
  • FF+3, DF4,3 +15g On Hit
  • FF+3, UB+2 +10g On Hit
  1. +6 On Hit
  • D,DF+4, 1, F2,1,2
  • D,DF+4, 1, UF+4 Initiate Combo (not safe)
  • DF+1, DF+4,3 +15g
  • DF+1, b+1+2
  • DF+1, UF4
  • DF+1, DF+4,2,1+2
  1. +8 On Hit:
  • 1, DF+3 10F T!
  • 1,2 3,1+2 8 F (16-8) (good near wall)
  • 1,3 , DF3 10 F T! Initiate Combo (18-8)
  • 1,3, DB3 9 F (17-8)
  • 1,3 , 3,1+2 8 F (16-8)
  • 1,3, UF4 7 F (15-8) Initiate Combo (not safe)
  • 1,3, UB2 near wall on Heat B1, B1+2 (on hit +10g) 8 F (16-8)
  • FF+3, SS2(+3 oB) 7 F (15-8)
  • FF+3, F2,1,2 Hit Combo 7F(15-8)
  • 1,3, DF4,2,1+2 T! Initiate Combo 7F (15-8)
  • 1,3, DF4,3 (+15g On Hit ) 7F (15-8)
  • 1+2, F+4,2 T!
  • 1+2,DF+3
  • f+3,2,DF+3

  1. 0 On Hit
  • D4, B1, b+1+2
  1. On Hit:
  • +10 Guaranteed
  • U+2, b+1, b+1+2
  • ub+2, 1,3 (effective near wall)
  • +12 Guaranteed On Crouch Oponent
  • UF+1
  1. On Heat
  • f,F+1+2* (Hold) Guard Break
  • +11


  • 1,3
  • 1,2,2
  • b+1, (near the wall)
  1. Stance Position:
  • BT
  • BT 1+2 +8
  • BT 1+2 , D3 10 F (18-8) !T initiate combo
  • BT 1+2, BT 2 11 F (19-8) pc8 !T initiate combo
  • BT 1+2,BT 1 4F (12-8), B1+2 Heat Engager
  1. Special Frametraps:
  2. +15g On Hit
  • DF+4,3, QCF+1 7F(22-15)
  • DF+4,3 D,DF+4,1 4F(19-15) oH +6
  • DF+4,3, f+2,1,2 0F(15-15)
  1. +26 On Counterhit:
  • DF+4,3, f,F+3
  • DF+4,3, D+3+4 OTG (oponent Turner in ground)
  1. +29g On Counterhit:
  • WS4, QCF+1
  • WS4, D,DF+4,1 0F(19-29) oH +6
  1. +25g On Hit:
  • STC 2, QCF+1
  • STC 2, D,DF+4,1 0F(19-25) oH +6
  • STC 2, SS4

  1. +36g On Counterhit:
  • DF+1, QCF+1
  • DF+1, f,F+1+2* 3F(39F-36F ) Break Guard
  • DF+1, D,DF+4,1 0F(19-29) oH +6

Optimal Whiff Punish for High Attacks

An opponent's High attacks can be evaded by crouching, allowing for a whiff punish. Whiffing moves with higher recovery allows them to be punished with slower moves that lead into higher damage combos.

the image above show the behavior of a Higth attack of the character Claudio On whiff, and its recovery Frames for optimal punish.

Special Punish For Characters Sidestep, Punch Parry and High Attacks:

  • Alisa:
  1. Moves and Strings Weak to Sidestep and Sidewalk:
  • Moves:


t54 r34
Heat Engager
Heat Dash +67a (+50) on hit, +5 on block
Balcony Break
  • 6 chip damage on block

1+2 m i19 Weak to SSR very slow to recovery r34 can be punish launch with i21 F+3,4

Gigabyte Hammer


js7~33 fs34~36
t63 r29

u+1+2 m Weak to SSR and SWR very slow i33~34 to recovery r29 can be punish launch with i21 F+3,4



+38a (-20)
pc7~15 fs20~30
t52 r32
Balcony Break
  • 9 chip damage on block, +0 block advantage on attack absorption

u/b+2 h Weak to SSR very slow to recovery can be punish launch with i21 F+3,4

  • Strings

UF3,2 m, m Second Hit is Weak to SWL very slow to recovery can be punish launch with i21 F+3,4

UF+3+4 m Weak to SWR very slow to recovery can be punish launch at the moment that You SEE the character go up in the air with i21 F+3,4

f,f+1+2 m, m Weak to SSR and SWR very slow to recovery can be punish launch with i21 F+3,4

  1. Moves and Strings Weak to Jumping State:

UF+4 js9

1,2,d+2* h,h,l (d+2* is the charged version and cannot be low parried)

Block the First 2 Highs attacks and use the Hockick to launch interrupt the 3th low of the String.

d+2 This move is slow i27 Frames also can be stop by B+1 i10 but UF+4 is more optimal.

  1. Moves And Strings Higth:
  • Moves:'

4 h (homing) i13~14 crouch and punish with WS3 or Instant UF+4

UF+2 h i16 crouch and punish with WS3 or Instant UF+4

f,f,f+2 or WR2 h crouch and punish with WS3 or Instant UF+4

DES 1+2 h,h,h crouch and punish with WS3 or Instant UF+4

Note to take in consideration: This move is very active, stay crouch and then Whiff punish.

DES F+1 h crouch and punish with WS3 or Instant UF+4

BOT 1+2 h ! crouch and punish with WS3 or Instant UF+4

Note to take in consideration: This move is unblockable, stay crouch and then whiff punish.

BUP 1+2 h! crouch and punish with WS3 or Instant UF+4

Note to take in consideration: This move is unblockable, stay crouch and then whiff punish.

DBT 1 h i24 crouch and punish with WS3 or Instant UF+4

BUP 1 h crouch and punish with WS3 or Instant UF+4

BUP 2 h crouch and punish with WS3 or Instant UF+4

  • Strings:

WS1,2,3 m,h,m The second hit is high and very slow i24~5 crouch and punish with f,F+4>3 i20 or i22 F+3,4

3, 2 m,h the second hit is high and very slow i26 crouch and punish with f,F+4>3 i20 or i22 F+3,4

f+2,3,3 m, h, m The second hit is High it have i22 block the First and crouch and punish the second with WS3, UF+4, f,F+4>3 , F+3,4

f+3,2 h,h The second hit is High it have i25 block the First, and crouch and punish the second with f,F+4>3 , F+3,4

f+4,1,4 m,h,m The second hit is High it have i25 block the First, and crouch and punish the second with f,F+4>3 , F+3,4

DF+1,1,2 m, h ,h The second and third hits are High the second have i30 very slow block the First, and crouch and punish the second with f,F+4>3 , F+3,4

the third attack is also High beware is a chainsaw very active i22~25 and more fast than the second keep crouch to punish on Whiff with: WS3, UF+4

d+4, 1+2 l, h This string jails on hit you can only crouch and punish the High if You block the low, the High move have i20 Frames block the low stay crouch and whiff punish with: WS3, UF4

b+2,4 m,h The second hit is high it have i16 block the First, and crouch and punish the second with : WS3, UF+4

Note to take in consideration: this string have 2 more secuences with medium attack, only crouch and punish if you have a big read.

  1. Strings Moves that can be float and interrupt:

2,3,4 h,m,l the last low attack is very slow i42 can be stop by DF+1 or jab Initiating float and launch by combo.

b+1,1+2 m If you block the First attack the second is very slow i25~40 can be interrupt launch with F+3,4 i21 ,

And if you get hit can be interrupt by a fast attack 10i B+1

DBT f+2,2 l, m If you block the First attack the second is very slow i35~37 can be interrupt launch with F+3,4 i21 ,