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= Key moves =
== Key Moves ==

* df+3
Due to the nature of Tekken, this list isn't an all encompassing guide to Leo's moves. There's no quick way to summarize which moves to use and when - much of it boils down to player preference.
However, the moves below are some good recommendations when looking to pick up Leo - try using a few of these to get a feel for their gameplan.
<!--TODO add general explanations of how leo plays midrange/approach/closerange/etc so it's not just a list of moves.-->
* '''Note for all of the below''': unless otherwise mentioned, assume these moves have bad tracking.
* '''Note for all of the below''': unless otherwise mentioned, assume these moves have bad tracking.

== Midrange Tools ==
=== Midrange Tools ===
* <big>df+4</big> - Basic 12f mid poke, decent range for its speed.
; df+4
* <big>f,F+2</big> - Forward advancing safe mid, great for stuffing out opponents at range. Gives LG on hit.
: Basic 13f mid poke, decent range for its speed.
* <big>f,F+4,3</big> - Forward advancing combo starter, with decent '''tracking''' to the right. -14 on block, with a risky low followup that can dissuade punishes.
; f,F+2
* <big>CD.2,1</big> - Safe mid,mid string with great range. Counter hits from either hit lead into a mini combo, and also has a cheeky KNK cancel.
: Forward advancing safe mid, great for stuffing out opponents at range. Gives LG on hit.
* <big>df+2</big> - Large fast launcher, only -13 on block and launches crouchers. Great whiff punisher.
; f,F+4,3
* <big>d+4,2</big> - The first hit is minus on hit low with '''tracking'''. You can still step or take back you turn after, and also threaten the LG-granting follow up against predictable opponents.
: Forward advancing combo starter, with decent '''tracking''' to the right. -14 on block, with a risky low followup that can dissuade punishes.
* <big>db+2,4</big> - Hit confirmable heat engager that is safe on block.
; CD.2,1
* <big>f,F+4,3,4</big> - Forward advancing launcher that provides some '''tracking'''. First and second hits are -13 and -14 respectively, third hit is a risky low that can catch punishes sometimes.
: Safe mid,mid string with great range. Counter hits from either hit lead into a mini combo, and also has a cheeky KNK cancel.
; df+2
: Large fast launcher, only -13 on block and launches crouchers. Great whiff punisher.
; d+4,2
: The first hit is a +0 on hit low with '''tracking'''. You can still step or take back your turn after, and also threaten the follow up against predictable opponents.
; db+2,4
: Hit confirmable heat engager that is safe on block.
; d+1
: Safe mid with huge reward on counterhit. Not too minus on block, and can transition into crouch by holding down - try stealing your turn back occasionally.
; df+3
: Safe mid wall break with '''homing'''. You lose your turn on block (-9), but this is one of your only mid homing tools for steppers.
=== Approach ===

== Approach ==
; f,f,F+3
: Basic slash kick, plus on block.
* <big>f,f,F+3</big> - Basic slash kick, plus on block.
; d+2
* <big>d+2</big> - Forces crouch on block at +4, and gives a counterhit combo.
: Forces crouch on block at +4, and gives a counterhit combo.
* <big>b+1,4 / b+1,1+2</big> - Risky strings to use but can be nice midrange against timid opponents. b+1,4 gives mix but the 2nd hit is steppable, b+1,1+2 will stop the stepping but is -12. <!--(mindgames lol thx bamco)-->.
; b+1,4 / b+1,1+2
: Risky strings to use but can be nice midrange against timid opponents. b+1,4 gives mix but the 2nd hit is steppable, b+1,1+2 will stop the stepping but is -12. <!--(mindgames lol thx bamco)-->

== Close Range Tools ==
=== Close Range Tools ===
; 1
* <big>1</big> - Basic 1 jab. Don't use 1,4 on block.
: Basic 1 jab. Don't use 1,4 on block.
* <big>1,2,1,1 / 1,2,1,4</big> - String follow ups that are sometimes useful for counterhitting after your 1,2. The first 3 hits are all highs, though.
; 2,1
* <big>df+1,2</big> - First hit is a generic df1, -1 good for checking mid. High 2 extension after gives decent reward on counterhit.
: Slight tracking to the right that's fast. Unreliable.
* <big>4</big> - 12f magic 4, gives a decent minicombo on counterhit.
; 1,2,1,1 / 1,2,1,4
* <big>df+2+3</big> - slow high crushing low, but not that punishable. Gives a full combo on counterhit.
: String follow ups that are sometimes useful for counterhitting after your 1,2. The first 3 hits are all highs, though.
; df+1,2
: First hit is a generic df1, -1 good for checking mid. High 2 extension after gives decent reward on counterhit.
; 4
: 12f magic 4, gives a decent minicombo on counterhit.
; df+2+3
: Slow high crushing low, but not that punishable. Gives a full combo on counterhit.
; CD.1
: High crushing low, minus on hit but gives a guaranteed ws4 heat engager on counterhit.
; CD.3/iws3
: Quickly using this move from standing, or after moves that leave you crouch (df2+3, CD.1), can <b>track</b> your opponent. On CH you can finish the string for good damage.
; f+4
: Mid that enters KNK stance for mix. Fast and more reliable than b1,4 against smart opponents , but lacks range and tracking.
; db+1+2,1
: Hit confirmable wall-splat mid-mid string. Scary at the wall, and can go into BOK to fake out opponents.
; f2,4
: Fast jailing high-high string. Only -1 on block, very plus on hit, and can go into crouchdash to trip people up. It becomes even scarier with the LG extension. Slight right tracking when plus.

== Jin Ji Du Li (KNK) Stance ==
== Jin Ji Du Li (KNK) Stance ==

=== KNK Cancels ===
== Fo Bu (BOK) Stance ==

In combos, Leo can cancel quickly out of KNK stance (for instance, after f+4) in order to follow up with another f+4. This can give Leo extremely high wall carry. To do so, you must hold down-forward to go into crouch dash from KNK, and then quickly tap up to cancel the crouch dash motion. Notationally, it looks like: f+4,DF,n,u f+4.
=== Using BOK in Combos (maybe move to Combo page?) ===

See [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7tAZUNR7c8 Ayorichie's guide] for more information.
<ref>Thanks to Toonfish.</ref>

== Fo Bu (BOK) Stance ==
BOK has 4 applications during combos. In descending order of importance:
; BOK.1+2 d+3+4
: Combo ender, usually at the wall. Also works as a minicombo against grounded opponents or after certain hits like CH 4,
; BOK 1,2
: This is a tornado if you want to commit to one after using b+1,1+2,d in a combo. Note this only works if you have 3 hits or fewer in the combo before using b+1.
; H.BOK1+2,f
: Gives you a heat dash combo extender. Afterwards you'll have to do either ws1,4,1 if you think you can get a wallsplat or SS.1+2 to get max damage without a wall.
; CH f+3,d BOK.2
: If you get a CH from f+3 and have already committed to the BOK transition, you can use BOK2 to transition into a combo with f+3,d BOK.2 df+4 HB.

== Lightning Glare (LG) ==
== Lightning Glare (LTG) ==

== Defense/Panic Options ==
== Defense/Panic Options ==
; db+3
: Backswing blow with tons of high (and sometimes mid) crush. Save on block high, some opponents won't be keen enough to duck it.
; b+3+4
: Manual backstep that enters KNK, use it like Feng's back kenpo. KNK2, KNK3,4, and KNK3+4 here can punish whiffs. Cancel into crouchdash to either take back space or keep it safer.
; f+2+3
: Safe high that evades to the right. Can be used to evade retaliation or escape pressure.
; b+1+3
: parry (todo)
; b+2+4
: parry (todo)
; ub+1
: parry (todo)
; b+2+3
: sabaki (todo)
== Okizeme Basic Guide ==
<ref>Thanks to Inigo.</ref>
'''Ground Hit Moves: ''' df+2+3 / d+4 / d+3+4 / b+1+4 / ub+3 / f,F+3 / iws3 / CD.1 / BOK.2 / BOK.1+2 / KNK.4 / KNK.1+2 / KNK.3+4
"Wake-up catch" is when an opponent who has been knocked down tries to move. Wake-up catches catch b getup and quickstand in the open, and also catch side rolls at the wall.<ref>See [[Wake-up]] for more details on these options.</ref>
'''Wake-up catches: ''' iws1+2 (most reliable, gives LTG) / SS.1+2 (more damage but doesn't clip side rolls)
=== Tools with Some Oki ===
; CH d+1 / BOK.3 / KNK.3+4
: ub+3 guaranteed. Wake-up catch possible. iws3 sets up f,f,F+3 if the opponent techrolls (not recommended).
; CH df+1+2
: d+4 guaranteed. Wake-up catch possible. iws3 sets up f,f,F+3 if the opponent techrolls.
; CH ws3,1,2
: d+4 guaranteed. Wake-up catch possible only with df+3.
; KNK.2
: Free mixup between ws3 and CD.1.
; CD.2,4
: Dash in for free d+4 or db+2 mixup.
; db+4,1
: Nothing guaranteed, but a well timed f,f,F+3 can catch techrolls and keep momentum.
; f+2,4,LTG.3
: Wake-up catch possible with f,F+2. If close to the wall you get a free: ub+3, d+4,2 (unreliable against small characters) or BOK.2 df+4.
; 1+3 (throw) / b+2+4 (on right kick parry)
: d+4 catches every option except b getup. f,F+2 catches b getup.
; FC.df+3
: ub+3 guaranteed. BOK.2 can set up a well timed f,f,F+3 that catches techrolls and keeps momentum.
=== Combo Oki (After Tornado) ===
; d+1
: Spikes the opponent and keeps you at -2. You can go to crouch for a mixup or stay standing and play around the hard knockdown.
; ws3 reset
: If the opponent does not do an immediate b getup or techroll, you can reset with ws3 by slightly delaying the input.
; b+1,1+2
: Oki depends on combo hits (maximum 7 hits is recommended). Puts opponent FDFT<ref>Face Down Feet Toward</ref> at a heavy disadvantage. On a techroll you can dash in for a mixup. If the opponent does a b getup, you can try to catch the wakeup with a run in f+1+2.
; f+4 KNKc<ref>[[Leo_tech#KNK_Cancels|KNK Cancel]]</ref> f+4 (whiff)
: Gimmicky option. It gives either an uninterruptible mix on a techroll or b getup, or a full reset. Note that KNK.3 whiffs on a techroll left.
=== Wall Oki ===
; BOK.1+2 df+2+3
: Techroll gives a free mixup, either a FC mixup or delayed uf+3 or f,F+2. If they don't techroll, the opponent is at a heavy disadvantage for a mixup back into the wall. If the opponent techrolls right, you can perform a well-timed f,f,F+3 to cross up and side switch.
; KNK.1+2 low splat<ref>See the [[Combo#Wall_splat,_slump,_and_resplat|combo page]] for information about low splats.</ref>
: Pancake flip into a 3-way mixup: Either techroll into a mixup or eat a full reset (db+4,1 is most reliable for your low option, but depending on axis and distance iws3 and df+2+3 work as well. df+3 can work for the mid re-splat option.). Leo can body block techroll left by whiffing a well-timed 2 jab, preventing the opponent's escape from the wall and keeping frame advantage.
; ws1,4,1
: Good frame advantage, free mixup on techroll, free d+4 or iws3 if they don't techroll. This move can also be used as a wake-up catch after BOK.1+2, but it doesn't clip side rolls.
; ws1+2
: Note that if Leo charges LTG off of ws1+2 they are at a heavy disadvantage. Similar situation to ws1,4,1 but if the opponent doesn't techroll, only d+4 will clip them. If the opponent techrolls, Leo is still +10, but grounded options become much more effective. iws1+2 can be used as a wake-up catch after a low splat BOK.1+2 for 3 more damage and a chance to charge LTG.

Latest revision as of 16:07, 20 June 2024

This page is for Tekken 8. For Tekken 7, see Leo strategy (Tekken 7).

Key Moves

Move Poke Counter Mixup Keepout Approach Oki
Tracks left

Tracks both
  • df+3
Tracks right

Due to the nature of Tekken, this list isn't an all encompassing guide to Leo's moves. There's no quick way to summarize which moves to use and when - much of it boils down to player preference.

However, the moves below are some good recommendations when looking to pick up Leo - try using a few of these to get a feel for their gameplan.

  • Note for all of the below: unless otherwise mentioned, assume these moves have bad tracking.

Midrange Tools

Basic 13f mid poke, decent range for its speed.
Forward advancing safe mid, great for stuffing out opponents at range. Gives LG on hit.
Forward advancing combo starter, with decent tracking to the right. -14 on block, with a risky low followup that can dissuade punishes.
Safe mid,mid string with great range. Counter hits from either hit lead into a mini combo, and also has a cheeky KNK cancel.
Large fast launcher, only -13 on block and launches crouchers. Great whiff punisher.
The first hit is a +0 on hit low with tracking. You can still step or take back your turn after, and also threaten the follow up against predictable opponents.
Hit confirmable heat engager that is safe on block.
Safe mid with huge reward on counterhit. Not too minus on block, and can transition into crouch by holding down - try stealing your turn back occasionally.
Safe mid wall break with homing. You lose your turn on block (-9), but this is one of your only mid homing tools for steppers.


Basic slash kick, plus on block.
Forces crouch on block at +4, and gives a counterhit combo.
b+1,4 / b+1,1+2
Risky strings to use but can be nice midrange against timid opponents. b+1,4 gives mix but the 2nd hit is steppable, b+1,1+2 will stop the stepping but is -12.

Close Range Tools

Basic 1 jab. Don't use 1,4 on block.
Slight tracking to the right that's fast. Unreliable.
1,2,1,1 / 1,2,1,4
String follow ups that are sometimes useful for counterhitting after your 1,2. The first 3 hits are all highs, though.
First hit is a generic df1, -1 good for checking mid. High 2 extension after gives decent reward on counterhit.
12f magic 4, gives a decent minicombo on counterhit.
Slow high crushing low, but not that punishable. Gives a full combo on counterhit.
High crushing low, minus on hit but gives a guaranteed ws4 heat engager on counterhit.
Quickly using this move from standing, or after moves that leave you crouch (df2+3, CD.1), can track your opponent. On CH you can finish the string for good damage.
Mid that enters KNK stance for mix. Fast and more reliable than b1,4 against smart opponents , but lacks range and tracking.
Hit confirmable wall-splat mid-mid string. Scary at the wall, and can go into BOK to fake out opponents.
Fast jailing high-high string. Only -1 on block, very plus on hit, and can go into crouchdash to trip people up. It becomes even scarier with the LG extension. Slight right tracking when plus.

Jin Ji Du Li (KNK) Stance

Fo Bu (BOK) Stance

Using BOK in Combos (maybe move to Combo page?)


BOK has 4 applications during combos. In descending order of importance:

BOK.1+2 d+3+4
Combo ender, usually at the wall. Also works as a minicombo against grounded opponents or after certain hits like CH 4,
BOK 1,2
This is a tornado if you want to commit to one after using b+1,1+2,d in a combo. Note this only works if you have 3 hits or fewer in the combo before using b+1.
Gives you a heat dash combo extender. Afterwards you'll have to do either ws1,4,1 if you think you can get a wallsplat or SS.1+2 to get max damage without a wall.
CH f+3,d BOK.2
If you get a CH from f+3 and have already committed to the BOK transition, you can use BOK2 to transition into a combo with f+3,d BOK.2 df+4 HB.
  1. Thanks to Toonfish.

Lightning Glare (LTG)

Defense/Panic Options

Backswing blow with tons of high (and sometimes mid) crush. Save on block high, some opponents won't be keen enough to duck it.
Manual backstep that enters KNK, use it like Feng's back kenpo. KNK2, KNK3,4, and KNK3+4 here can punish whiffs. Cancel into crouchdash to either take back space or keep it safer.
Safe high that evades to the right. Can be used to evade retaliation or escape pressure.
parry (todo)
parry (todo)
parry (todo)
sabaki (todo)

Okizeme Basic Guide


Ground Hit Moves: df+2+3 / d+4 / d+3+4 / b+1+4 / ub+3 / f,F+3 / iws3 / CD.1 / BOK.2 / BOK.1+2 / KNK.4 / KNK.1+2 / KNK.3+4

"Wake-up catch" is when an opponent who has been knocked down tries to move. Wake-up catches catch b getup and quickstand in the open, and also catch side rolls at the wall.[2]

Wake-up catches: iws1+2 (most reliable, gives LTG) / SS.1+2 (more damage but doesn't clip side rolls)

Tools with Some Oki

CH d+1 / BOK.3 / KNK.3+4
ub+3 guaranteed. Wake-up catch possible. iws3 sets up f,f,F+3 if the opponent techrolls (not recommended).
CH df+1+2
d+4 guaranteed. Wake-up catch possible. iws3 sets up f,f,F+3 if the opponent techrolls.
CH ws3,1,2
d+4 guaranteed. Wake-up catch possible only with df+3.
Free mixup between ws3 and CD.1.
Dash in for free d+4 or db+2 mixup.
Nothing guaranteed, but a well timed f,f,F+3 can catch techrolls and keep momentum.
Wake-up catch possible with f,F+2. If close to the wall you get a free: ub+3, d+4,2 (unreliable against small characters) or BOK.2 df+4.
1+3 (throw) / b+2+4 (on right kick parry)
d+4 catches every option except b getup. f,F+2 catches b getup.
ub+3 guaranteed. BOK.2 can set up a well timed f,f,F+3 that catches techrolls and keeps momentum.

Combo Oki (After Tornado)

Spikes the opponent and keeps you at -2. You can go to crouch for a mixup or stay standing and play around the hard knockdown.
ws3 reset
If the opponent does not do an immediate b getup or techroll, you can reset with ws3 by slightly delaying the input.
Oki depends on combo hits (maximum 7 hits is recommended). Puts opponent FDFT[3] at a heavy disadvantage. On a techroll you can dash in for a mixup. If the opponent does a b getup, you can try to catch the wakeup with a run in f+1+2.
f+4 KNKc[4] f+4 (whiff)
Gimmicky option. It gives either an uninterruptible mix on a techroll or b getup, or a full reset. Note that KNK.3 whiffs on a techroll left.

Wall Oki

BOK.1+2 df+2+3
Techroll gives a free mixup, either a FC mixup or delayed uf+3 or f,F+2. If they don't techroll, the opponent is at a heavy disadvantage for a mixup back into the wall. If the opponent techrolls right, you can perform a well-timed f,f,F+3 to cross up and side switch.
KNK.1+2 low splat[5]
Pancake flip into a 3-way mixup: Either techroll into a mixup or eat a full reset (db+4,1 is most reliable for your low option, but depending on axis and distance iws3 and df+2+3 work as well. df+3 can work for the mid re-splat option.). Leo can body block techroll left by whiffing a well-timed 2 jab, preventing the opponent's escape from the wall and keeping frame advantage.
Good frame advantage, free mixup on techroll, free d+4 or iws3 if they don't techroll. This move can also be used as a wake-up catch after BOK.1+2, but it doesn't clip side rolls.
Note that if Leo charges LTG off of ws1+2 they are at a heavy disadvantage. Similar situation to ws1,4,1 but if the opponent doesn't techroll, only d+4 will clip them. If the opponent techrolls, Leo is still +10, but grounded options become much more effective. iws1+2 can be used as a wake-up catch after a low splat BOK.1+2 for 3 more damage and a chance to charge LTG.
  1. Thanks to Inigo.
  2. See Wake-up for more details on these options.
  3. Face Down Feet Toward
  4. KNK Cancel
  5. See the combo page for information about low splats.