Jack-7 combos

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Bread n' butter

Bread n' butter combos are juggles that:

  • Work on as many different launchers as possible
  • Work on all body sizes

Launchers that require unique combos go straight to § Staples.

Regular launch (e.g. df+2)
f+4 b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,1
Crouching recovery (e.g. CH FUFT.3)
ws4 b+3,2 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,1


Staple combos are juggles that:

  • Can be done consistently by a skilled player
  • Either work on all body sizes, or the characters it does work on are comprehensively listed
  • Are not strictly worse than another combo listed in terms of difficulty, damage, wall carry, and oki
[25] f,F+1
[30] CH uf+2
[34] b+1,2
[+20] hcf,df+1
[+21] df+1+2[1]
[20] SS.2
[24] CH f+2
[+20] f,F+1
[+20] hcf,df+1
[+28] f,F+4
[30] b,db,d,df+1[1]
[+24] ws4 df+3+4
[+29] ws4 df+3+4
  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Only guaranteed with opponent's back at the wall.


Staple combos are juggles that:

  • Can be done consistently by a skilled player
  • Either work on all body sizes, or the characters it does work on are comprehensively listed
  • Are not strictly worse than another combo listed in terms of difficulty, damage, wall carry, and oki
[13] df+2
[14] ws1
[+48] f+4 b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,1
[+56] f+4 f+1,2 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2[1]
[+46] 2 u+1+2 f+4 df+1,1 S! f+3,2[2]
[+49] f+4 b+1 ssr~b+1 df+1,1 S! f+3,2
[+54] f+4 b+1 ssr~b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
[20] f,F+1+2
[34] db+1+2
[+40] b+3,2 b+1 df+1,1 S! f+3,2
[+42] df+1,1 S! f+4 f+1,2,2
[+45] iws4[3] b+3,2 df+1,1 f+3,2
[32] SS.1
[+43] u+1+2 f+4 b+1 df+1,1 S! f+3,2[4]
[+46] u+1+2 f+4 b+1 df+1,1 S! b+3,2,2[5]
[+58] u+1+2 f+4 b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
[+39] f+4 b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,1
[+40] f+4 b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
[21] f,F+2
[+56] <u+1+2 u+1+2 u+1+2[6] 1,2 S! f+3,2
[+61] <u+1+2 u+1+2 u+1+2[6] 1,2 S! f+1,2,2
[25] hcf,df+1[7]
[21] f,F+2
[+52] <u+1+2 UF,4 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
[+51] <u+1+2 UF,4 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,1
[33] d+1+2
[+44] u+1+2 f+4 b+1 df+1,1 S! f+3,2
[+57] u+1+2 f+4 b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
[15] df+2+4[8]
[18] BT.uf+4[8]
[+39] b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,1
[+40] b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
[+31] b+1 df+1,1 S! SS.1
[+31] b+3,2 df+1,1 S! SS.1
[+35] b+3,2 df+1,1 S! f+3,2
[+40] b+3,2 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
[20] df,df+2+4[9]
[+48] f,F f+4 b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,1
[+56] f,F f+4 f+1,2 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
[26] CH df+1,2,1
[14] CH (df+1),2,1
[+28] df+1,1 S! df+1,2,1,1,2
[+30] df+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,1
[+31] df+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
[22] 1+2
[+26] f+4 df+1,2,1,1,2
[+30] f+4 b+1 b+3,2,2
[+32] f+4 b+1 f+1,2,2
[20] CH (ws2),1
[20] CH (b+1),2
[+48] f+4 b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,1
[+56] f+4 f+1,2 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
[+49] f+4 b+1 ssr~b+1 df+1,1 S! f+3,2
[+54] f+4 b+1 ssr~b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
[26] CH (f+3),1+2
[80] f+4~1
[+39] b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,1
[+40] b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
[+40] b+3,2 b+1 df+1,1 S! f+3,2
[+45] b+3,2 b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
[34] CH FC.df+2,1,2
[+51] u+1+2 f+4 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,1[10]
[+52] u+1+2 f+4 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
[+52] u+1+2 f+4 b+1 df+1,1 S! f+3,2
[+57] u+1+2 f+4 b+1 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
[+38] ws2 b+3,2 df+1,1 S! f+3,2[11]
[+43] ws2 b+3,2 df+1,1 S! f+1,2,2
  1. ↑ The last hit of f+1,2,2 can be charged up for a pseudo tech/ get up kick/ late spring kick catch, it is mostly considered cheese or a knowledge check, but can be very damaging (extra 23 damage) and can catch people off guard for round enders, but should be avoided using regularly.
  2. ↑ Replace f+4 with 4 when using this combo on small characters, e.g. Ling, Alisa, Leroy, etc.
  3. ↑ Extremely tight input for the instant while standing.
  4. ↑ u+1+2 will whiff if the move hits too far away, or the SSL is too deep, instead use the combo without u+1+2.
  5. ↑ Only works from a SSR, but it is the max wall carry combo from SS+1.
  6. ↑ 6.0 6.1 If you hit the first u+1+2 too late, the third u+1+2 will drop. Replace u+1+2 1,2 with f+4 df+1,1 if it looks like this will happen.
  7. ↑ The triple u+1+2 is inconsistent after hcf,df+1 so better to rely on these combos.
  8. ↑ 8.0 8.1 b+3,2 is more consistent than b+1, but neither are totally consistent.
  9. ↑ This version gives you enough time to run under the opponent. You can tell if you got it and not the regular version if you hear Jack scream.
  10. ↑ This combo route does not work on Leroy and other small characters like Ling and Kunimitsu, the route also doesn't work on Marduk, Jack, Panda/ Kuma, Dragunov, Yoshimitsu, Akuma, and Lei. It works fine on every other character.
  11. ↑ If the u+1+2 route does not work on your opponent's character, instead default to this route.


f+4, f+1,2, df+1,1, R.b+1+2


Regular carry (30% scaling)
[+25] hFC.db+1,1,1,2
[+24] 2+4
[+23] b+3,2 df+3+4
[+16] b+3,2 db+1,1
[+15] db+1,1,1
[+14] df+3+4
[+39] hFC.db+1,1 W! f,f hFC.db+1,1,1,2
[+33] 2+4
[+27] b+3,2 df+3+4
[+22] b+3,2 db+1,1
[+15] df+3+4
[+13] db+1,1,1

A small adjustment is needed—either a backdash, a step, or simply waiting—to get the «hFC.db+1,1 W! f,f hFC.db+1,1,1,2» resplat combo, but it's possible from all splats. It depends on both the splat used and the original angle. Sidestep right is generally best, since the last hit of hFC.db+1,1,1,2 can whiff if Jack is to the opponent's right.


combo when you anti-air with jab here

Back-turned opponent

b+1, df+1,1, f+1,2,1

Stage break

Howard Estate
big boy break all the walls combo here


Extra combos are juggles that are:

  • Strictly worse than one of the § Staples; or
  • Too inconsistent to be a staple; or
  • Joke combos for style points.

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