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Attacks are moves that deal direct damage to the opponent. It is important to understand the nuanced properties of your character's attacks in order to play them effectively.

Block, Hit and CH Frames

Most attacks have very different situations on block and on hit.

Generally an attacker who gets blocked is left at - frames, recovering slower than their opponent and losing the initiative. But an attacker who hits is at heavy + frames and can attack the stunned opponent again with less fear of getting interrupted. Low attacks typically have far more - frames on block and less + frames on hit.

Certain attacks give more + frames on counter hit or give guaranteed extensions, which may be confirmable.

Status Properties

Counter Hit

A counter hit, or CH, occurs when your attack interrupts or trades blows with your opponent's attack. Almost all moves inflict slightly more damage on CH. Some moves have special CH properties like launching, knocking down or gaining extra + frames. In many cases, a string follow-up that's not guaranteed on normal hit will become guaranteed on counter hit.

Characters focused on counter hits include Law, Steve, Josie and Bryan. Although almost every character benefits from landing counter hits.

The most common counter hit tool is known as the magic 4, an i11 or i12 high CH launching kick.

Clean Hit

A clean hit (CL) is only possible with certain moves. CL gives improved effects when an attack is landed in a way that meets its CL condition (usually landing the attack particularly close to the target).

Some examples:

  • Paul's qcf+2 - Deals extra damage to close opponents
  • Nina's f,F+4 - Deals extra damage when clean hit on downed opponent
  • Feng's SS 4 - Sweeps on clean hit
  • Akuma's d+3 - Can combo on clean hit

Combo Properties

More information: Combo


Launchers are attacks that initiate air-juggles by giving the player enough frame advantage to use moves before their opponent lands on the ground.

If an attack gives enough frame advantage only for particular guaranteed follow ups, it isn't considered a juggle combo and therefore not a launcher.


Tailspin, also known as screw is a combo extension mechanic introduced in Tekken 7, replacing the bound mechanic from Tekken 6 and Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Each character's tailspin attacks are indicated with the green icon.

Moves with the tailspin property will screw airborne opponents in an arc, causing them to land on their shoulders in a feet-up position. This allows for the player character to more easily follow up with a variety of attacks and extend their air combo.


Tornado is the Tekken 8 combo extender. It differs from Tailspin in that it not longer Balcony Breaks, allowing for combo extensions at the wall. Additionally it doesn't give as much wall carry, instead allowing for easier pickups after.

Wall breaker

A move that breaks walls without spending screw.


Spikes moves used on an airborne target, force opponents into a knockdown that can only be teched by holding back. They can usually be recognised as moves that spike opponents downward.

They also initiate floor breaks when used on airborne opponents.

Examples include:

  • Asuka's d+2
  • Lee's f+4,3
  • Jack-7's f,f+1


Similiarly to spikes, slams initiate floor breaks when used on mid-air opponents. They do not leave opponents face down.

Defensive Properties


The crush system determines which moves have an invincibility to a specific type or types of attacks. It was introduced in Tekken 5 in order to ensure consistency in situations where certain attacks interact with each other.

Crushing moves are moves which disable the active frames of an opponent's specific class of moves whilst the crushing state of the player character's moves is active.

Crushing in Tekken 7 exists in three forms - high crush, low crush and invincibility. For armored attacks, see the power crush section

High crushing occurs by assigning a crouching state to attacks (technically crouching, TC), disabling opponents' hitboxes on high attacks (e.g. generic crouch jab). Conversely, low crushing occurs by assigning a jump state (technically jumping, TJ), disabling opponents' hitboxes on low attacks (e.g. hop kick). Invincibility disables all opposing hitboxes (e.g. EX Goushoryu).

Crushing is not to be confused with evasion. The crush system is a binary rule disabling the active frames of certain moves whereas evasion refers to a lack of collision between an active hitbox and hurtbox.

Power Crush

New in Tekken 7, Powercrush attacks give superarmor to characters starting at i8, allowing them to power through mid and high attacks, without receiving a counter hit.

Powercrushes cannot power through lows or throws.
Lows can land counter hits.
If grabbed during a powercrush, it is impossible to perform a throw escape.

Rage Art Power Crush

Rage Arts and generic running tackle have enhanced powercrushing capabilities.

Can't be counter hit, uninterruptable by lows or throws.


An attack that has a specific parry window within its startup is typically known as a Sabaki. Since the attack comes out even if it doesn't parry anything, Sabakis can double as predictive pokes or abare tools that are inherently harder to punish than a regular parry due to said follow-up.


Homing attacks automatically reallign to the opponent, no matter which way and how far they went, which is not the same as tracking. It always connects with an opponent who is sidestepping or sidewalking.

They are denoted in the in-game movelist by a blue circular arrow icon.

Wall Properties

Wall Splat

If a move causes a ballerina spin, or knocks the opponent down in a correct way, it causes the opponent to stick to the wall, such a move is said to cause a wall splat

Wall Bounce

Added in season 2, wall bounces are moves that knock opponents far away, collision with the wall will rebound back towards the player, allowing for a juggle. They also cause a wall break. Wall Bounces were removed in Tekken 8, so they remain only in Tekken 7.

Miscellaneous Properties

Nosebleed stun

If opponent holds down they will fall on the ground briefly entering white airborne state [needs video]

Double-over stun

If opponent holds forward or tap any direction in a small window, they will escape the stun and will be able to block.[1]


Not an actual property, but some moves move the character with their hurtboxes away from the opponent for a bit before the attack comes out.

Other non-exclusive properties of attacks
