Paul combos

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Combo Theory:

  • Advanced technique is to chain qcf1 for maximum damage in open ground after a mid/high launcher.



Fantastic safe on block high-crushing mid. Time your use of this so that you have your opponent under pressure where they would need to reset momentum. Once you have the read on the jab counter with df+2. Be careful as misreading this as this would be counted via armored moves or if you are neutral or at a disadvantage: quick counter hits.


Another amazing safe on block launcher. Comes out faster than df+2 for clutch situations, but with a high hitbox. Creates a low launch on hit. This is a great launcher to pressure with, as it has forward momentum and moves Paul about 0.8 distance during the animation toward the opponent.


Wiff punish launcher, this will give you variable frames based on your distance to the opponent when the hitboxes make contact (like wake-up spring kicks). Can be anything from -1 if very close to +5 if you make contact at the tip range. Vulnerable to being float combo'ed mid-animation.


Mid hop kick that crushes low attacks, launch punishable on block. Has extension to potentially catch mashing opponents on block. (uf+3,4) Not launch punishable if you complete the extension but can be punished mid string.


  • fff+2: for damage/ floor break
  • d4,2,1+2: wall travel and wall breaks
  • qcf+2: uhhhhhaaaaa

Bread n' butter

Bread n' butter combos are juggles that:

  • Work on as many different launchers as possible
  • Work on all body sizes

Launchers that require unique combos go straight to § Staples.

Regular launch (e.g. df+2)
[65] 4[1], df+4, 3,2~b 1+2 T! d+4,2:1+2
[66] 4, df+4, 3,2~b 1+2 T! wr+2[2]
[61] 4, df+4, 3,2~b 1+2 T! ff+2:1
[68] 4, df+4, 2, dash, 3,2~b 1+2 T! d+4,2:1+2
[69] 4, df+4, 2, dash, 3,2~b 1+2 T! wr+2
[64] 4, df+4, 2, dash, 3,2~b 1+2 T! ff+2:1
  1. ↑ Off df+2 Paul can use either qcf+1 or 4, qcf+1 offers slightly better damage but requires better execution
  2. ↑ wr2 offers slightly better damage and okizeme at the cost of inferior wall carry


[45] qcf+2
CH ss+3
[50] d1+2
CH qcf+3
[49] d+1,2,1+2
CH df+4
[49] b+1,2
[59] qcf+1


Staple combos are juggles that:

  • Can be done consistently by a skilled player
  • Either work on all body sizes, or the characters it does work on are comprehensively listed
  • Are not strictly worse than another combo listed in terms of difficulty, damage, wall carry, and oki
[62] 3,2 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 > fff+2
[69] 4 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 > fff+2
[75] qcf+1 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 > 2 > fff+2
[75] qcf+1 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 > fff+2
[76] qcf+1 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 > fff+2
[72] df+4 > 2 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 > 2 > fff+2
[78] 4 > df+4 > 2 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 > 2 > fff+2
[70] 2 > df+4 > 2 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 > 2 > fff+2
[17] CH df(3)4
[17] CH (3)2
[21] CH db2
[21] ff(2)2
[20] ws2
[+58] 4 > df+4 > 2 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 > 2 > fff+2


Full Wall
ff+3,4 > b+1,2 > 1 > qcf+2
d1+2 > db2 > 3,2~b > 2
d1+2 > db2 > 3,2~b,> 2 > u > qcf2
Low Wall
b1,2 > qcf+2
Post-Tornado Wall
3,2~b > 2


df+4 > 1 > df+4 > 3,1,b > SWA1+2 > fff+2



Back-turned opponent

combo when you hit df+2 in the back

Stage hazard

Secluded Training Ground
big boy break all the walls combo here


Extra combos are juggles that are:

  • Strictly worse than one of the § Staples; or
  • Too inconsistent to be a staple; or
  • Joke combos for style points.