
From Wavu Wiki, the 🌊 wavy Tekken wiki
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A movelist, often referred to as frame data, is a list of moves a character can do and details of those moves' properties. Movelists vary both in how many of a character's moves they list, and in how detailed those listings are.

Wavu Wiki movelists strive to be as comprehensive and readable as possible while also being dense enough for use as reference material, so reading them can be daunting at first. But don't lose hope – you get used to it pretty quickly.

For editors, see also:

  • {{Move}} for documentation on how to add or modify move entries in movelists
  • Wavu:Movelist for a standard of how movelist pages are organized




Hit level
Left Tracking
Right Tracking

The above header, created from {{MoveDataHeader}}, has tooltips for each heading briefly describing what info is in each cell.


Many common properties are stuffed into the notes field. The following standard wording is used for these properties (see {{MoveDataIcon}} for colored ones):

Is homing. Can't be sidestepped.
Will cause a screw against an aerial opponent. Implies "Balcony break".
Will spike an aerial opponent, preventing them from tech rolling. Implies "Floor break".
Floor Break
Can floor break.
Balcony Break
Can wall/balcony break.
Wall Bounce
Will cause a wall bounce against standing opponent if he hits the wall. Implies "Balcony break".
Clean hit {frame advantage}
Can clean hit, will be at frame advantage {frame advantage} if it does.
Example: "Clean hit +24a"
Throw break {input}
Throw can be broken with {input}.
Example: "Throw break 1+2"
Throw break {input} on frame {range}
Throw can be broken with {input} during frames {range}.
Example: "Throw break 1+2 on frame 1~20"
Move can be delayed {frames}f
Active frames can be delayed up to {frames} frames. Implies "Input can be delayed {frames}f".
Example: "Move can be delayed 2f"
Input can be delayed {frames}f
Input can be delayed up to {frames} frames after the last active frame of the previous move in the string (when non-delayable strings can no longer be input).
Example: "Input can be delayed 4f"
Transition to {recovery} with {input}
Pressing {input} during startup will change recovery to {recovery}
Example: "Transition to r21 HMS with 3+4"
Transition input can be delayed {frames}f
Input for stance transition can be delayed up to {frames} frames from the first active frame of the last hit (when non-delayable transitions can no longer be input).
Example: "Transition input can be delayed 8f"
Enter {stance} {frame advantage} with {input} on {block/hit/ch}
Pressing {input} after the move {block/hit/ch} will transition to {stance} with {frame advantage}
Example: "Enter RSS +9 with F on hit"
Enter {stance} {frames on block} {frames on hit} {frames on ch} {total frames} {recovery frames} with {input}
A generalized version of the above. Frame data should be included in the order shown above.
Example: "Enter KNK -9 +2 with b"
Combo from {nth} {hit/CH}
Is guaranteed to hit in neutral if {nth} move in the string {hit/ch}.
Example: "Combo from 2nd hit"
Combo from {nth} {hit/CH} with {frames}f delay
Is guaranteed to hit in neutral if input is delayed up to {frames} frames and the {nth} move in the string {hit/ch}.
Example: "Combo from 3rd CH with 14f delay"
Jail from {nth} attack
Opponent is forced to block if {nth} move in the string is blocked. Implies "Combo from {nth} {hit/ch}".
Example: "Jail from 1st attack"
Jail from {nth} block
Opponent is forced to block if {nth} move in the string is blocked. Does not imply "Combo from {nth} {hit/ch}".
Example: "Jail from 3rd block"
Jail from {nth} {attack/block} with {frames}f delay
Opponent is forced to block if input is delayed up to {frames} and the {nth} move in the string is blocked.
Example: "Jail from 1st attack with 4f delay"