Paul combos

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Revision as of 02:39, 27 June 2024 by LLJ (talk | contribs) (→‎Staples)
Notation summary for combos
Symbol Meaning
1 Left Punch
2 Right Punch
3 Left kick
4 Right kick
u Up
d Down
f Forward
b Backward
uf Up and forward
df Down and forward
ub Up and backward
db Down and backward
n Neutral
Symbol Meaning
U Up (Hold)
D Down (Hold)
F Forward (Hold)
B Backward (Hold)
UF Up and forward (Hold)
DF Down and forward (Hold)
UB Up and backward (Hold)
DB Down and backward (Hold)
Symbol Meaning
+ Pressed together
# Pressed together, on the same frame
,[1] Followed by
~ Followed by, immediately
: Followed by, tight input window
< Followed by, with delayed input
* Held input
Symbol Meaning
.[1] From stance
~ From stance transition[2]
H During Heat[3]
R Rage
FC Full crouch
hFC Half crouch
ws While standing
wr While running
Symbol Meaning
T! Tornado
W! Wall splat
WB! Wall break
F! Floor break
BB! Balcony break
Symbol Meaning Example Example Meaning
CH Counter hit CH 1,2,3 1,2,3 where the first hit is a counter hit
CL Clean hit CL db+4 db+4 with a clean hit
(?) Whiffed or blocked moves CH (1,2),3 1,2,3 where the third hit is a counter hit
(2,2),2 2,2,2 where the first two hits whiff
(x?) Repeat string ? times b+2,f~n(x3) b+2,f~n repeated 3 times
[?; ?] Damage dealt; recoverable damage [50; 12] ws2,3 f,F+3 Combo deals 50 damage, 12 of which is recoverable
  1. 1.0 1.1 Should never have a space immediately after it.
  2. Not "for stance transition", which has no special notation and is written the same as any other input.
  3. Not Heat Available, which is not notated, since the only move done from that is Heat Burst, which is simply written 2+3.

Bread n' butter

Bread n' butter combos are juggles that:

  • Work on as many different launchers as possible
  • Work on all body sizes

Launchers that require unique combos go straight to § Staples.

Regular Launch Example
[67] df+2 > 4 > df+4 > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > wr2
[65] df+2 > 3,2 > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > wr2
[64] df+2 > 4 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > wr2
[62] df+2 > 3,2 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > wr2
Low Launch Example
[69] ff+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > wr2
[67] ff+4 > ws4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > wr2


[50] CH f+1+2[1]
[46] qcf+3+4[2]
[46] df+(1,1),2[1]
[46] b,n,f+1[1]
[45] SS.1[2]
[45] db+1+2[1][3]
[+12] CL qcf+2
[36] f,F+4[4]
CH 4
[36] db+2
[50] d+1+2
CH qcf+3
[51] d+4,2:1+2
[36] OTG.d+2[5]
CH df+4
[46] f+2[6]
CH wr2
[41] f,F+4
CH ws(1),2~b
[46] f+2[6]
[38] SWA.2[6]
H.b+2,1* GB
H.d+1,2* GB
[35] b+1,2
[34] d+1+2
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Approach for Clean Hit with microdash only
  2. 2.0 2.1 Approach for Clean Hit with microdash or extended QCF
  3. Easier Clean Hit if attack lands as Punish
  4. Not a true combo, but hits all wakeup options
  5. Floor Break
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Heat Engager


Staple combos are juggles that:

  • Can be done consistently by a skilled player
  • Either work on all body sizes, or the characters it does work on are comprehensively listed
  • Are not strictly worse than another combo listed in terms of difficulty, damage, wall carry, and oki
[76] SSL > ws4 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2[1]
[76] ws4 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[75] ws4 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[75] ws4 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[74] df+4 > 3 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[74] ws3 > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[72] 3,2 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[79] qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2[2]
[77] qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2[3]
[76] qcf+1 (x2) > df+1~b~df > ws1,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > SSR > 1 > wr2
[76] qcf+1 (x2) > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > SSR > 1 > wr2
[75] qcf+1 (x2) > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[75] qcf+1 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[74] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[74] qcf+1 > df+4 > df+1~b~df > ws1,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[73] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[74] dash > ws4 > df+4 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[73] dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[72] dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[72] df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[71] df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[70] df+4 > SWA.3,2,1 T! > 2 > wr2
[68] ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[75] ws4 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[74] ws4 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[73] 4 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[73] ws4 > df+4 > 2 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[72] ws4 > df+4 > SWA.3,2,1 T! > 2 > wr2
[70] 3,2 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[70] 3 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[79] qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2[4]
[77] qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2[4]
[75] qcf+1 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[74] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[74] qcf+1 > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[73] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[72] df+4 > 4 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2[5]
[81] ws4 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 2 > wr2[6]
[80] ws4 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2[7]
[79] 4 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[79] ws4 > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[78] ws4 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[78] 4 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 + wr2
[76] 3,2 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[75] df+1~b > qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > db+2 T! > SSR > 2 > wr2
[77] ws4 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[76] ws4 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[75] ws4 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[72] 2 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[71] 2 > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T > 2 > wr2
[75] dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[74] 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[74] dash > 3 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[73] df+1~b~u > df+4 > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[68] df+1~b > ws1,2~b > ws1,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[87] qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > SSR > 2 > wr2[8]
[85] qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > SSR > 2 > wr2[8]
[84] qcf+1 (x2) > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > SSR > 1 > wr2
[84] qcf+1 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2[4]
[83] qcf+1 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2[4]
[83] qcf+1 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[82] qcf+1 > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2[4]
[82] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[81] SSL > ws4 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2[9]
[88] dash > qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2[4]
[87] dash > qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > SSR > 1 > wr2
[86] SSR > qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2[10]
[84] qcf+1 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2[11]
[83] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[82] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[80] ws4 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2[12]
[79] ws4 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[79] ws3 > 3 > df+4 > 1 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2[13]
[79] ws4 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[78] ws4 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[78] ws3 > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[77] ws4 > df+4 > SWA.3,2,1 T! > 2 > wr2
qcf+1+2 T!
[74] SSR > dash > SSR > qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1
[71] SSR > dash > SSR > qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2
[69] SSR > qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2
[68] f,F+4 > ws4 > df+4 > 2 > wr2
[66] f,F+4 > ws4 > df+4 > dash > d+4,2:1+2
[63] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > d+4,2:1+2
[62] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > wr2
[84] SSL > ws4 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[81] ws4 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[81] SSL > ws4 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[80] ws4 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[80] ws4 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[79] ws4 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[101] SSR > qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[101] SSR > qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > wr2
[97] qcf+1 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[97] qcf+1 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > SSR > 1 > wr2
[95] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[94] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[88] 4 > 4 > df+4 > b+1,2 T! > 2 > wr2
[96] qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[95] qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > SSR > 1 > wr2
[94] qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[92] qcf+1 (x2) > df+1~b~df > ws1,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[92] qcf+1 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[91] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
Low Parry
[49] SSR > qcf+1 (x3) > dash > d+4,2:1+2
[47] SSR > qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > dash > 1 > wr2
[47] SSR > qcf+1 > ws4 > df+4 > 1 > dash > d+4,2:1+2
[46] SSR > qcf+1 > ws4 > df+4 > 1 > wr2
[46] qcf+1 > ws4 > df+4 > dash > d+4,2:1+2
[46] f,F+4 > ws4 > df+4 > 1 > wr2
[46] f,F+4 > ws4 > df+4 > d+4,2:1+2
[45] qcf+1 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1
[44] qcf+1 > df+4 > df+1~b~df > ws1,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1
[43] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > d+4,2:1+2
[42] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > wr2


[91] SSR > qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[90] SSR > qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[88] qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[88] SSL > qcf+1 > ws4 > df+4 > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[87] SSL > qcf+1 > df+4 > dash > ws3 > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[86] qcf+1 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[85] qcf+1 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[85] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[84] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
CH db+2
[85] SSL > ws4 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[85] SSR > ws4 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[84] SSL > ws4 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[84] ws4 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr1
[83] ws4 > df+4 > 2 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[83] 4 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[75] ws3 > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[74] ws3 > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[68] ws3 > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 2 > wr2
[65] ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[65] ws3 > 3 > df+4 > db+2 T! > 2 > wr2
CH SWA.3,2,1 T!
[69] qcf+1 > 2 > wr2
[68] qcf+1 > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1
[67] qcf+1 > dash > d+4,2:1+2
[65] SSR > f,F+4 > ws1,2~b > SWA.1+2
CH qcf+3+4 T!
[76] SSR > qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1
[75] SSR > qcf+1 (x3) > dash > d+4,2:1+2
[74] SSL > f,F+4 > ws4 > df+4 > 2 > wr2
[73] SSR > qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > dash > d+4,2:1+2
[72] f,F+4 > ws4 > df+4 > 1 > wr2
[71] qcf+1 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1
[70] SSR > qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > 2 > wr2
[69] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > d+4,2:1+2
[68] qcf+1 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2
[94] SSR > qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > SSR > 2 > wr2
[92] SSR > qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[91] qcf+1 (x2) > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > SSR > 1 > wr2
[91] qcf+1 (x2) > df+1~b~df > ws1,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > SSR > 1 > wr2
[90] qcf+1 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[89] qcf+1 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[89] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[87] df+4 > 4 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
CH f+1+2*
[97] SSR > qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[95] SSR > qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[94] SSL > qcf+1 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[92] SSR > qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > SSR > 1 > wr2
CH (2),3
CH ws(3),2
[91] SSL > qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[89] SSL > qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[88] SSL > qcf+1 (x2) > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[87] SSL > qcf+1 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[86] SSL > qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > 1 > wr2
[86] SSL > qcf+1 > df+4 > df+1~b~df > ws1,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > SSR > 1 > wr2
[85] SSL > qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
CH df+(3),4
[77] dash > qcf+1 (x2) > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > d+4,2:1+2
[75] dash > qcf+1 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > d+4,2:1+2
[70] qcf+1 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > d+4,2:1+2
[67] df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > d+4,2:1+2
CH (3),2
[80] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > SSR > 2 > wr2
[78] dash > SSR > ws3 > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[77] f,F+4 > ws3 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > SSR > 2 > wr2
[75] dash > 3,2 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > SSR > 2 > wr2
CH DPD.(2),3
CH SWA.(3,2),3
[86] SSL > ws4 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2[14]
[85] ws4 > dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[85] df+4 > 4 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[84] ws4 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[81] 3,2 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
  1. No SSL necessary if combo starts off axis left
  2. Will not work against some characters off axis right
  3. Requires dash before 3,2 if off axis left
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Will not work off axis left
  5. Requires dash before 3,2 if off axis right
  6. Larger characters only
  7. May require micro-SSL after launch
  8. 8.0 8.1 Off axis right only
  9. Will not work if heavily off axis right
  10. Will not work if heavily off axis left
  11. Requires SSR after launch if heavily off axis left or SSL if heavily off axis right
  12. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named small_chars
  13. Omit 1 > dash if more than ~45 degrees off axis [78]
  14. No SSL needed for DPD route


  • Combos with more than 1 rep of qcf+1 filler require frame-perfect timing and increasingly strict positioning
  • Longer qcf+1 routes typically drop if Paul is off axis left or heavily off axis right
  • Routes with ws3 or ws4 typically drop if Paul is off axis right or heavily off axis left
  • 4 filler after high launch is easier and more consistent than qcf+1, but deals less damage and cannot be looped
  • qcf+1 pushes axis leftward with each rep
  • wr2 or 1 > wr2 can be used in place of all 2 > wr2 enders for simpler execution and 1-3 less combo damage
  • wr2 can be used in place of all 1 > wr2 enders for simpler execution and 1 less combo damage
  • DPD.3+4 can and should be used in place of any post-Tornado ender or after a high wall splat
  • 1 > wr2 and 2 > wr2 can be partially buffered (see Paul tech for details)
  • wr2 and jab > wr2 enders may require sidestep (usually SSR) after Tornado to be flush with opponent's feet
  • Demoman (d+4,2:1+2) can be used as an ender for most SWA.1+2 T! routes. Usually less damage than jab > wr2 even with perfect input, but vital for wall carry/splat at a distance
  • Demoman may require SSL to fully to connect after some Tornadoes
  • Demoman will not fully connect at high scaling
  • f,F+3,4,4, f,F+2:1, ws3,2 and qcf+1 can be used in place of most wr2 enders and are ideal for splatting at ranges where Demoman is too close for a wall ender conversion
  • qcf+1 loops become more lenient if opponent is launched while backturned


Wall Carry/Splat

[1]Damage Attack [2]Startup Follow
+18 d+4,2:1+2 i15 High Hit
+16 f,F+3,4,4 i17 High Hit
+12 f,F+2:1 i17 High Hit
+11 ws3,2 i16 High Hit
+10 ws1,2~b i18 High Hit
+10 f,F+3,4 i17 High Hit
+6 qcf+1 i18 High Hit

High Wall Hit

Pre-Tornado Splat

[3]Damage Attack [2]Startup Follow
+15 SWA.3,2,1[4] i20 Low Hit
+12 DPD.2,1 i24 Post-T!
+8 b+1,2 i12 Post-T!
+5 db+2 i19 Post-T!
+5 qcb+1+2 i18 Post-T!
+5 qcf+3+4 i21 Post-T!
+0 Delay Post-T!
+0 Delay Low Hit

Post-Tornado Splat

[3]Damage Attack [2]Startup Follow
+12 d+1,4,2[5] i14 +9d (-5)
+12 wr2 i21
+0d FDFA
+9 d+1+2 i12 Post-T![6]
+9 d+1+2 i12 Low Hit[7]
+9 3,2~b i15 Low Hit
+9 ws1,2~b i18 Low Hit
+5 1 > df+1~b i10 i14 Low Hit
+3 df+1~b i14 Low Hit
+3 2 i10 Low Hit
+2 1 i10 Low Hit
+0 Delay Low Hit

Low Wall Hit

Damage Attack [2]Startup KD Tech
+25 H.qcf+2 i15 +5 -7
+22 qcf+2 i15 +5 -7
+20 H.1+2* i46 +9 -3
+18 H.1+2 i28 +9 -3
+17 1+2* i46 +9 -3
+16 DPD.3+4[8] i28 -44 -52
+15 1+2 i28 +9 -3
+15 d+1+2 i12 +5 -7
+13 b+1,2[9] i12 +16 FDFA -1
+13 SWA.2 i17 +5 -5
+12 SWA.1 i21 -2 -10
+11 b+2 i18 -4 -12
+11 ws1,2~b[9] i18 +12 +4
+11 qcf+3+4 i21 +10 +0
+11 SWA.1+2 i18 +13 -4
+10 OTG.d+2 i18 -1 -9
+10 wr2 i21 +16 FDFA -1
+10 f+4 i22 +8 -8
+10 db+2 i19 +14 -3
+9 ws4 i14 +5 -3
+8 d+1 i14 +3 -5
+8 df+4 i17 +11 +1
+7 b+4 i20 +4 FDFA -6
+6 2+3 i16 -1 -8
+5 df+1~b i14 +14 +6
  1. Damage values calculated following 4/5-hit non-CH, non-Heat combo (30% scaling). Add Heat Burst for extra damage, control and oki
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Includes minimum additional frames for motion inputs (sway canceled attacks not subject to additional startup)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Damage values calculated following 6-hit non-CH, non-Heat combo into wall splat (24% scaling). Add Heat Burst for extra damage, control and oki
  4. Requires delay before Low Wall Hit follow
  5. Low hits possible with delay
  6. Requires very high splat
  7. Requires high splat
  8. Additional 9-10 damage from falling hitbox (blockable), FDFA recovery
  9. 9.0 9.1 Low hit on 2nd hit only


Wall Carry Starter

qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > ff+2:1 W! > dash
All characters
[105] 2+3 > 1 > df+1~b~u > H.qcf+2
[101] 1 > df+1~b~u > qcf+2
[99] 2 > qcf+2
[98] 1 > qcf+2
[95] 3,2~b > d1+2
Large characters
[106] 2+3 > 3,2~b~u > H.qcf+2
[106] 2+3 > ws1,2~b~u > H.qcf+2
[102] 3,2~b~u > qcf+2
[102] ws1,2~b~u > qcf+2
qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > dash > d+4,2:1+2 W! > dash
All characters
[103] DPD.2,1 > 2+3 > 2 > H.qcf+2
[99] DPD.2,1 > SSL > df+1~b~u > qcf+2
[99] SWA.3,2,1 > qcf+2
[98] db+2 > 2+3 > SSL > 1 > df+1~b~u > H.qcf+2
[95] b+1,2 > df+1~b~u > qcf+2
[94] db+2 > SSL > 1 > df+1~b~u > qcf+2
[92] db+2 > SSL > 2 > qcf+2
[91] db+2 > 3,2~b > d+1+2
[86] 1 > qcf+2
[84] qcf+2
Large characters
[99] db+2 > 2+3 > 3,2~b~u > H.qcf+2
[99] db+2 > 2+3 > ws1,2~b~u > H.qcf+2
[98] 2+3 > db+2 > 3,2~b~u > H.qcf+2
[98] 2+3 > db+2 > ws1,2~b~u > H.qcf+2
[98] db+2 > SSL > 3,2~b~u > qcf+2
[98] db+2 > ws1,2~b~u > qcf+2
[98] qcf+3+4 > 3,2~b~u > qcf+2
[98] qcf+3+4 > ws1,2~b~u > qcf+2
[93] SSL > 3,2~b~u > qcf+2
[93] ws1,2~b~u > qcf+2


df+1+3:H.qcf+2 W! > dash
All characters
[109] qcf+1 W! > qcf+3+4 > d+1+2 > 1 > df+1~b~u > H.qcf+2
[107] qcf+1 W! > qcf+3+4 > d+1+2 > df+1~b~u > H.qcf+2
[97] qcf+1 W! > qcf+3+4 > d+1+2 > df1~b > d+1+2
Large characters
[113] qcf+1 W! > qcf+3+4 > d+1+2 > 3,2~b~u > H.qcf+2
[103] qcf+1 W! > qcf+3+4 > d+1+2 > 3,2 > d+1+2
ff+2:1 W! > backdash
All characters
[96] qcf+1 W! > qcf+3+4 > d+1+2 > 1 > df1~b~u > qcf+2
[94] qcf+1 W! > qcf+3+4 > d+1+2 > df1~b~u > qcf+2
[87] qcf+1 W! > qcf+3+4 > d+1+2 > df1~b > d+1+2
Large characters
[100] qcf+1 W! > qcf+3+4 > d+1+2 > 3,2~b~u > qcf+2
[93] qcf+1 W! > qcf+3+4 > d+1+2 > 3,2 > d+1+2


[54] qcf+1 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[44] df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > wr2
[39] 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > wr2
[51] SSR > qcf+1 (x3) > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > SSR > 2 > wr2
[50] SSR > qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[48] qcf+1 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[46] qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
SWA.1+2 T!
[50] SSR > qcf+1 > df+4 > 2 > wr2
[59] dash > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[58] df+4 > 2 > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2


Heat Burst

Most max damage Heat Burst combos follow the route of a regular max damage combo, replacing the ender with 2+3 > H.qcf+2~F > qcf+2. Exceptions to this rule are starters that leave Tornado unavailable.


[102] CH SWA.4
[100] SWA.1+2
[97] qcf+1
[91] df+2
qcf+1 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > 2+3 > H.qcf+2~F > qcf+2
[97] CH SWA.4
[96] SWA.1+2
[94] qcf+1
[86] df+2
qcf+1 > df+4 > 3,2~b~u > 2+3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > H.qcf+2~F > qcf+2
[97] ff+(2),2
[92] b+3
SSL > ws4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > 2+3 > H.qcf+2~F > qcf+2
qcf+1+2 T!
CH qcf+3+4 T![1]
[96] dash > qcf+1 (x2) > dash > 3,2~b > 2+3 > qcf+1 > H.qcf+2 > qcf+2
[88] dash > qcf+1 > df+4 > 3,2~b > 2+3 > qcf+1 > H.qcf+2 > qcf+2
[87] dash > qcf+1 (x2) > 1 > 2+3 > qcf+1 > H.qcf+2~F > qcf+2
Low Parry
[70] SSR > qcf+1 (x2) > dash > 3,2~b > 2+3 > qcf+1 > H.qcf+2 > qcf+2
[68] qcf+1 > df+4 > 3,2~b > 2+3 > qcf+1 > H.qcf+2 > qcf+2
[62] SSR > qcf+1 (x2) > 1 > 2+3 > qcf+1 > H.qcf+2~F > qcf+2

Heat Dash


[85] H.qcf+2~F
[77] H.u+2~F
[75] H.f+4~F
[72] H.SWA.2~F
[66] H.f+2~F
SSR > qcf+1 (x5) > df+4 > b1,2 T! > SSR > 2 > wr2
SSR > qcf+1 (x5) > dash > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > SSR > 2 > wr2
[84] H.qcf+2~F
SSR > qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > 3,2 > dash > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > wr2
[81] H.qcf+2~F
[73] H.uf+2~F
[71] H.f+4~F > SSR
[68] H.qcb+2~F
[59] H.f+2~F > SSR
qcf+1 > qcf+4 > df+4 > qcf+4 > df+4 > 3,2~b~DF > DPD.2,1 T! > wr2
[79] H.qcf+2~F
[74] H.u+2~F
[69] H.f+4~F
[66] H.SWA.2~F
[59] H.f+2~F[2]
SSR > qcf+1 (x4) > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > dash > SSR > d+4,2:1+2
[79] H.qcf+2~F
[69] H.f+4~F
[67] H.u+2~F
[66] H.SWA.2~F
[57] H.f+2~F
SSR > qcf+1 > df+4 > 3,2 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
qcf+1 > df+4 > 3 > df+4 > 3,2 > df+4 > db+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[78] H.qcf+2~F
[68] H.f+4~F
[70] H.u+2~F
[66] H.SWA.2~F[3]
[56] H.f+2~F
SSR > qcf+1 (x2) > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[76] H.qcf+2~F
[68] H.u+2~F
[66] H.f+4~F
[63] H.SWA.2~F
[54] H.f+2~F
df+4 > 3,2 > 3,2 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
CH ws(1),2~b > H.SWA.2~F
[60] SSR > qcf+1 (x2) > 3,2 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > SSR > 2 > wr2
[59] qcf+1 > df+4 > ws3 > 3,2 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2
[57] 3,2 > 3,2 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > 2 > wr2


qcf+1 > H.qcf+2~F > qcf+2[4]
H.qcf+2~F > qcf+2

Guard Break

[35] b+1,2
[34] d+1+2
Wall Reset
W! > H.b+2,1*[5] > d+1+2 W! > Resplat
W! > H.b+2,1*[5] > qcb+3,2,1 W! > H.b+2,1*[5]
  1. May require SSR
  2. Buffer forward dash during Heat Dash
  3. SSL after Heat Dash
  4. Low-moderate scaling only, requires right-side positioning
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Assumes H.b+2 knockdown followed by blocked 1. Can be countered by backrise > i11 or evaded with backrise > sidewalk

Back-turned opponent

[68] qcf+1 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > dash > SSR > d+4,2:1+2
[60] df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > d+4,2:1+2
[55] 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > d+4,2:1+2
3,2~b > SWA.1+2[1]
[108 (31+77)] qcf+1 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > d+4,2:1+2
[103 (31+72)] qcf+1 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > d+4,2:1+2
[103 (31+72)] qcf+3+4 T! > qcf+1 (x2) > dash > d+4,2:1+2
ws1,2~b > SWA.1+2[1][2]
[114 (15+20+79)] qcf+1 > df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > dash > SSR > d+4,2:1+2
[114 (15+20+79)] qcf+1 > df+4 > qcb+3,2,1 T! > dash > SSR > d+4,2:1+2
[104 (15+20+79)] df+4 > 3,2~b > SWA.1+2 T! > dash > SSR > d+4,2:1+2
  1. 1.0 1.1 Guaranteed on most characters
  2. Use when tech rolling into an opponent's back

Stage Hazard

Elegant Palace

[147] CH qcf+2 W! > H.qcf+2 WB! > qcf+1 (x2) > d+1,4,2 W! > H.qcf+2 BB! > DPD.2,1 T! > dash > H.qcf+2~F > SSL > 3,2~b~u W! > qcf+2
[146] CH qcf+2 W! > H.qcf+2 WB! > qcf+1 (x2) > d+1,4,2 W! > H.qcf+2 BB! > dash > H.qcf+2~F > qcf+3+4 T! > qcf+1 W! > 3,2~b~u > qcf+2

Midnight Siege

H.qcf+2 WBl!
d+4,2:1+2 WBl!
[115] SSR > qcf+1 (x2) W! > qcf+3+4 > d+1+2 > 1 > H.qcf+2
[111] SSL > d+4,2:1+2 w! > db+2 > 1 > H.qcf+2
[109] SSR > qcf+1 > SWA.3,2,1 W! > 1 > H.qcf+2
[109] qcf+1 > b+1,2 W! > 3,2~b > H.qcf+2
[105] qcf+1 > SWA.3,2,1 W! > 3,2~b > d+1+2
[102] d+4,2:1+2 W! > 3,2~b > d+1+2


Extra combos are juggles that are:

  • Strictly worse than one of the § Staples; or
  • Too inconsistent to be a staple; or
  • Joke combos for style points.
CH H.qcf+2 W!
[138] backdash > qcf+1 W! > qcf+3+4 > d+1+2 > 3,2~b~u > H.qcf+2[1]
CH qcf+3 (Kuma/Panda/Raven only)
[71] db+2 T! > qcf+1 (x2) > dash > d+4,2:1+2
CH ws(3),2
CH (2),3
CH df+(3),4
SSR > qcf+3+4 T! > df+4 > df+4 > df+4 > 2+3...[2]
Extremely difficult and rarely useful
[73] qcf+1 (x2) > 3,2~b~u > wr2
  1. Max damage without stage gimmicks?
  2. Side switches