This template uses TemplateStyles: | |
This template displays the character select on the front page. It has a subtemplate {{CharSelectCharT8}}. These don't belong on any other pages. For any other page where we want a link to every character's main page, {{Navbox fighter}} is preferred.
There shouldn't be any need to change this other than to add new characters when they're released.
This template uses a spritesheet of all character portraits sourced by User:DuckmanTheThird. Each character portrait is a 144 x 176px PNG image. It was resized to 72 x 88px, converted into a WEBP image and assembled into a tiled image with 1px transparent borders using ImageMagick. The bash script below can be used to reproduce the spritesheet.
#!/bin/bash # Portrait image directory IMAGES="portraits" # spritesheet will be produced in current directory as 'spritesheet.webp' # Min width and height of images (manually identified) WIDTH=144 HEIGHT=176 # Target width and height of image in spritesheet T_WIDTH=72 T_HEIGHT=88 mkdir processed # Resize to target for file in ${IMAGES}/*.{webp,png}; do if [ -f "$file" ]; then filename=$(basename -- "$file") filename_no_ext="${filename%.*}" cwebp -z 9 -mt -crop 0 0 "${WIDTH}" "${HEIGHT}" -resize "${T_WIDTH}" "${T_HEIGHT}" "${file}" -o "processed/${filename_no_ext}.webp" fi done # Build spritesheet montage processed/*.webp -tile 6x6 -geometry +0+0 -bordercolor none -border 1 -background none -alpha set spritesheet.webp
The classes used in the CSS file for selecting the correct pixel offsets for each character can be automatically generated using this Perl script by User:RogerDodger --
use v5.10; use FindBin '$Bin'; chdir $Bin; my @order = qw/ # all chars in the same order as in the spritesheet alisa asuka azucena ... yoshimitsu zafina /; my $cols = 6; my $rows = 6; # actual image dimensions without border my $spriteWidth = 72; my $spriteHeight = 88; my $border = 1; for my $row (0..$rows-1) { for my $col (0..$cols-1) { my $xOffset = $border + $col * ($spriteWidth + 2 * $border); my $yOffset = $border + $row * ($spriteHeight + 2 * $border); my $key = $order[$col + $row * $cols]; last if !defined $key; print <<"EOF"; .char-select-img.$key img { background-position: -${xOffset}px -${yOffset}px !important; } EOF } }
- The above documentation is from Template:CharSelectT8/doc
- Editors should experiment in this template’s sandbox and testcases pages