Devil Jin

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Devil Jin
  • Allows Annihilation Beam followups after certain moves
  • Can perform EWGF without perfect input
Heat Smash H.2+3 mid - i18-28 - +11 (MCR)

H.MCR.2+3 throw - i20

Heat Engagers
  • b+2,3
  • b+3
  • uf+4
  • f,F+2
  • MCR.2,2
  • FLY – 3+4
  • CD (Crouch Dash) – f,n,d,df
  • MCR (Mourning Crow) – f+3
  • i11(~14) – f,n,d,df#2 (hard)
  • i15 – d+3+4 (standing)
  • i15 – ws2 (crouching)
CH launch
  • i17 – b+4 (mid)
  • i21 – db+2 (low)
Wall splat
  • i12 – b+1,2 (high)
  • i13 – df+1,2 (mid)
Archetypal moves
Mid check
  • df+4 – (standing)
  • df+1 – (standing)
  • ws4 – (crouching)
Power low f,n,d,df+4,1+2
Shadow cutter db+2
Slash kick f,f,F+3
Generic moves
Remapped (none)
Missing d+1
External links
Lore Devil Jin
Twitter #T8_DevilJin
Discord Devil Jin

This page is for Tekken 8. For Tekken 7, see Devil Jin (Tekken 7).

Devil Jin is a Mishima-style character focused around savage aggression. While he enters Tekken 8 retaining his usual Mishima tool kit with moves like 1,1,2, EWGF, f,n,d,DF+4 (flash punch, electric and hellsweep, respectively) he's also been granted the Mourning Crow (MCR) stance, which gives him an extremely strong approach option along with his traditional Mishima wavedash. Combined with his safe pokes and excellent pressure moves, Devil Jin can be an utter force of nature if you let him get started.

MCR launches Devil Jin forward and has a number of strong followups. MCR.1 is a power mid that combos into b+4 on hit, and is +8 on block, giving him an incredible approach option that he can mixup with MCR.2,2 if his opponent likes to step, which is a Heat Engager on hit, and MCR.3 is a special mid, counter hit launcher that hits grounded and is safe on block. Mourning Crow is an absolutely incredible approach option and forces Devil Jin's opponent to play around it very carefully to avoid being constantly oppressed.

uf+1, or Shackle, is a fairly fast, extremely long range high poke that natural hit combos into MCR.2,2 and obliterates attempts at keepout gameplay. While it is duckable, Devil Jin can mix this up by using f,F+4, a similarly long range mid that knocks down on hit and launches on counter hit. Shackle, alongside MCR and the usual Mishima wavedash, makes it functionally impossible to keep Devil Jin from blatantly rushing his opponent down.

Once he's gotten close to his opponent, Devil Jin goes for one of the best 50/50 setups in the game. He has a true unseeable mixup between CD.4 and d3+4, but his mixup is special in that CD.4, 1+2 launches into a tornado, allowing Devil Jin to followup with whatever he wants. He has a choice selection of good damage routes, strong looping oki, and excellent corner carry, allowing him a huge degree of flexibility if he gets a mixup off. Combined with his strong pressure options, and Devil Jin is capable of launching one of the most invalidating offensive setups in the game.

Devil Jin, as with almost all Mishima style characters, has a high execution barrier, and getting the most out of him can require quite a bit of practice, much more than most characters. While he certainly isn't suffering, his mid keepout can be a little anemic, as his generic df+1 has somewhat poor range, but his f,F+2 mostly makes up for this, being a safe, mid Heat Engager that's only marginally slower than a traditional df+1.

  • Mishima: Has all the standard Mishima benefits, including EWGF, hellsweep, and wave dash. As usual, this makes Devil Jin a versatile and strong character with many effective tools.
  • Mourning Crow: DJ's new stance gives him great mixup and pressure potential, especially when combined with uf1 and EWGF. MCR also has good functionality in combos, including a unique tornado followup in MCR.3 and a high damage combo ender in MCR.4,2,1+2.
  • Excellent Pressure: EWGF, some great pressure strings, and the threat of Mourning Crow all stack together to give Devil Jin very strong pressure. He also has a full throw game to further threaten after plus frames.
  • Devastating Punishment: Devil Jin has very high damage potential when optimized properly, and his punishment game is unreal. Corner-to-corner wallcarry into further mixups are a given when played effectively.
  • Psycho Crusher: Devil Jin's heat smash is one of the longest reaching moves in the game, allowing him to punish whiffed moves from a tremendous distance. As a hitgrab it will also punish some counterpokes.
  • The Best Hellsweep: Devil Jin's hellsweep is notable in that it gives him a combo on hit, giving him absurd damage potential.
  • Bad Generics: Devil Jin lacks effective generic tools for keeping people out, like df1 and df2.
  • Unsafe Mids: Notably, Devil Jin lacks any safe, launching mid tools. All of his mids are heat engagers, only lead to combos on counterhit, or are very unsafe. He prefers to cycle between strong pressure highs and his hellsweep rather than mids and lows.
  • Must Hellsweep: Due to a lack of powerful lows, Devil Jin is mostly centralized around using Hellsweep to get any real damage. This makes his gameplay both predictable and very risky, as Hellsweep can be heavily punished if it is blocked.
EWGF in neutral
iWS from crouch dash
-15 EWGF block punish

External links